- free community cinema presents…
* various bush bashing shorts and…
* Unprecedented: The 2000 Presidential Election (Richard Perez & Joan Sekler)
15 rampart street, london
A lot of things were said about the 2000 US Presidential Election - Bush voters said Gore was a sore loser, Gore voters said their votes hadn't been counted… This film shows how bush stole the election and how the game was rigged from the start. From chasing black voters away from voting locations at the threat of being arrested for loitering, to threatening to run warrant checks on the license plates of any car parked outside black county voting locations, to the scrubbing of nearly 50,000 mostly black and latino voters from registration lists (90% of black voters traditionally vote Democrat). And the people who oversaw this mess in Florida? They'd be A) George Bush's brother Jeb, and B) Katherine Harris, one of the higher-ups in the Bush 2000 Florida election campaign. And you still think voting equates to democracy?
As a documentary, Unprecedented is perhaps overly long and doesn’t have the humour we have come to expect from the big documentaries of the last year. However there can be little doubt that the exhaustive research and extensive line-up of knowledgeable interviewees make for one dramatic, disgusting and all too conclusive case that Bush became president not because he was elected by a majority of Americans, but rather that the ground was prepared ahead of time by people in his employ to ensure that any close result was tipped in his favour.
>>>> Friday 29th October
Social evening with vegan food, drinks plus open mic and jam session. Bring your instruments, poetry or whatever. Bring an embarrassing record from your vinyl collection to donate and play. Live streaming on rampART radio for those that can’t be here.
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