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M&S Pickets – Four years of Intifada

Victory to the Intifada | 04.10.2004 15:55 | Anti-racism | London

29th September marks the anniversary of the Second Palestinian Intifada. This week Victory to the Intifada reminded people on Oxford Street why the Palestinians were forced to awaken and rise up against the violent oppression that they face at the hands of the Israeli state and its powerful Western backers. We urge everyone to demonstrate their solidarity with the long-suffering Palestinian people and rise up against Israel’s support here in Britain.

The second Palestinian Intifada began on 29th September 2000 when Israeli police and soldiers opened fire at worshipers following the Friday noon prayer at al-Aqsa Mosque. Six Palestinians were killed and 220 wounded. The day before Ariel Sharon had marched into al-Aqsa, one of Islam’s holiest sites, surrounded by hundreds of armed Israeli security forces. It was a clear insult and provocation to the Muslim majority of Palestinians, its intent further reinforced by the huge number of armed Israeli forces at the Mosque the next day. Within the first six days of the Intifada Israel’s armed forces killed 61 Palestinians and injured 2,657, many of them children and many of them killed or wounded by shots fired to the upper part of the body. By comparison, during the same period four Israelis were killed – three soldiers and one settler, while 35 were injured, most of them lightly.
Israel used excessive force in a clear effort to crush what was left of the Palestinian spirit. But four years on the Intifada continues and the Palestinian resistance and resilience is proving difficult to break. And Israel is trying every means possible to make life so unbearable for the Palestinian people that they will be forced to flee their homes and land again. Israel is perpetrating ethnic cleansing and genocide against the Palestinian people in order to gain more land for the racist Zionist state and maintain a Jewish demography that justifies an expanded Israel. Despite the incessant murder of Palestinian men, women and children, even the most moderate Zionist dream has yet to be fully realised – an all Jewish state.
During the Oslo Peace process the number of settlements being built in the West Bank and Gaza Strip doubled – this is the so called peace offered to Palestinians – further annexation of their land. Today while Sharon claims to be pulling out of the Gaza Strip (actually it is being transformed into an open prison) settlements are being rapidly expanded in the West Bank and 50% of the land annexed by the massive Apartheid Wall. The Palestinian people have few ways to fight the brutal onslaught but they have little left but the fight for their lives, land and justice. Worldwide solidarity is crucial for their very survival.
Victory to the Intifada’s pickets of Marks and Spencer were set up shortly after the start of the second Palestinian intifada in Manchester in solidarity with the Palestinian uprising. Soon afterwards they were set up in London and now there are pickets in many British cities. Every week protesters inform people about the intolerable situation that Palestinians endure and urge shoppers to boycott Britain’s biggest corporate backer of Israel.
This week the London picket was depressingly small considering the significance of the date and that this year there was no march in London to mark the anniversary of the start of the second intifada in support of the Palestinian struggle. Regular protestors chanted loudly, displayed colourful banners, gave speeches and discussed Palestine with many interested passers by. But how many more people could have been reached if there were more picketers? There are so many people that support the Palestinian struggle in this country and have a wealth of knowledge on the situation past and present but don’t seem able or willing to spread their understanding to others and to take a clear stand to cut financial support to the Zionists by targeting the biggest British trader with Israel. The pickets of Marks and Spencer are the only regular weekly activity in solidarity with the Palestinian people. They are popping up in new places but more support is needed. Let’s not forget that the British state helped the Zionists gain a foothold in Palestine and has continually backed the Israeli state. That makes it our responsibility in Britain to work to end this murder and torment of Palestinians NOW. Join the pickets for just two hours every week and fight against the racism and brutality inherent within Zionism.

Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! Free Palestine!

Every Thursday 6-8pm, Marks and Spencer, Oxford Street (Marble Arch end)

Victory to the Intifada
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Hide the following 6 comments


05.10.2004 13:10

Keep up the good work. You have had an impact on a lot of people. I for one don't shop at Marks and Spencers anymore...Victory to the Intifada!


Please don't tell me where I can and can't shop.

05.10.2004 13:34

I don't shop at M&S anymore but it has nothing to do with politics. It is because they charge too much for their clothes. I shop where I can get good quality clothes at a reasonable price. It is called market forces. If the shops I now go to start trading with Israel then I will still shop at them because I don't see why politics should have anything to do with me getting a good deal on what I buy. I buy what I like and only value and quality comes into it when I am out shopping.

Free Thinker

No gun to your head

05.10.2004 14:44

No-one's "telling you where you can and can't shop". They're informing you, and it's up to you and your conscience to decide.

And if you "don't see why politics should have anything to do with you getting a good deal on what I buy", then why are you reading a radical politics newswire? Just to troll, and wind people up?


two words that sound similar

05.10.2004 18:00

The apathetic & the pathetic.

Says all there is to say about those who resist peace & justice really.

mail e-mail:

oh well ...

05.10.2004 18:40

... they have removed the usual 'all resisters to zionists are baby killers' nonsense.

Personally, I like to see such stuff kept in the limelight - it's very instructive as to how these zionist twits think (or think they are thinking etc).

mail e-mail:

market forces

06.10.2004 14:11

Perhaps 'Freethinker' should learn how to make his clothes. Or get a job in a fucking sweatshop. There's your 'market forces'.

Wood Green Shopping City Dream in a Deskilled Service Economy.


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