Sabra and Shatilla were refugee camps – the Palestinians living there had been forced from their homes and lands by Israel. Then Israel oversaw their massacre – there was an IDF forward command post on the roof of a multi-story building located some 200 metres southwest of the Shatilla camp from which soldiers were recorded as having seen the brutal rampage and informed their superiors who did nothing to stop it. A document issued by former Defence Minister Sharon’s office containing his ‘Summary of 15 September 1982’ states: ‘For the operation in the camps the Phalangists should be sent in’ and ‘the I.D.F. shall command the forces in the area.’ The mass murderer Ariel Sharon far from being indicted in Israel now stands at the head of the Israeli state as Prime Minister.
In 2002 attempts were made to charge Sharon with war crimes before a court in Belgium. After the trial was announced three key witnesses, Lebanese right-wing Christians involved in the massacre, were killed:
· Elie Hobeika was blown up outside his house in Beirut together with three bodyguards just a few days after he’d agreed to give evidence in Belgium.
· Michael Nasser was shot dead in Brazil by a man firing a pistol equipped with a silencer; his young wife was shot down beside him.
· Jean Ghanem drove his car into a tree on New Year’s Day.
Once again Israel and its terrorist leaders were able to mock justice and conceal their acts of genocide against the Palestinian population. Ariel Sharon has a long history of perpetrating massacres, as do most of Israel’s leaders past and present. They are motivated by racism, inherent in the Israeli state’s need for a Jewish majority in order to exist and the difficulty of achieving this alongside the Zionist desire to expand the borders of Israel, in many cases to take in all the land from the Nile to the Euphrates. (Betar, the far-right Zionist group who aim to destroy the pickets of M&S and silence Palestinian solidarity, subscribe to this Zionist vision of Greater Israel.) All Zionists therefore support ethnic cleansing. Even the so-called ‘Prince of Peace’ Yitzhak Rabin (Israeli Prime Minister 1992-1995) boasted of ethnic cleansing in 1956 when he was commander of forces in northern Israel: ‘I solved one problem in the north by exploiting the fighting against the Egyptians… and we transferred 2000 Arabs… across the Jordan River into Syria.’
Victory to the Intifada urges everyone to isolate the Zionist state in the fight against racism, ethnic cleansing, genocide and injustice. The accusations that British fascists would be willing to join us is preposterous and clearly a Zionist invention to discredit our campaign and silence Palestinian solidarity. It is the Zionists themselves that exhibit anti-Semitism – against both Arabs and Jews – as they have shown in Britain with threats and abuse against an anti-Zionist Jew in Manchester, following in the footsteps of their leaders who committed terrorist acts against the indigenous Jews of Palestine when they marched in the 1920s in opposition to the Zionist project of the settler state of Israel. It is the Zionists themselves who found that their ideology shared aspects of Hitler’s vision in the 1930s, which Hitler himself recognised allowing the Zionists to continue to function after every other Jewish organisation in Germany at the time had been brutally suppressed. Fascists find commonality with other fascists because they share racist views and the founder of Betar supported Mussolini and wrote an article titled ‘In defence of Fascism’. For further reading on this or other aspects of Zionist history contact the address below.
In the meantime… get active, get organised and join the only weekly demonstrations of solidarity with the Palestinian people on the streets of Britain:
Every Thursday 6-8pm, Marble Arch Marks and Spencer, Oxford Street
Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism!
Free Palestine!
Boycott M&S!
Hide the following 4 comments
Lebanese Phalange
20.09.2004 23:47
After the PLO invaded Lebanon and started a civil war (this after their failure to do the same in Jordan, which resulted in the massacre of 20,000- Black September), the PLO began LIQUIDATED Christian Arab villages- Damour for example-
The attacks of Sabra Shatilla were revenge for the massacres of the Christians...PLO fighing men and weapons (as usual) were hidden among women and children
Just thought I'd remind you of the rest of the story...
Arab Massacres
ye yes yes ...
21.09.2004 11:36
.. we know the zionist party line ("we are totally innocent and have never done anything wrong")
Now fuck off.
24.09.2004 11:49
the anons comments are 100% true and you have no answer you jew haters are forever bringing up 2 incidents that camp one and the king david hotel, id like to list the amount of arab murderers,bombers,beatings over the last 50 years or so but i dont have 10 years to type them all down
you jack are an anti semite i read your posts, just do me a favor come to oxford stree on a thursday and reveal yourself you people are really brave on a computer but not in public.
why dont you paint yellow stars on the windows of m and s?
or maybe we could all wear yellow stars with jude on them like you wear those crazy red armbands?
another israel fan
100% true!?!
29.09.2004 09:17
100% true - if you forget the lies, put [metaphorical & literal] fingers in ears and repeat ... 'jews are special, jews are better, jews have never done anything wrong, jews have a special sky ghost that loves only them' [translate for christian, hindu & islam w/ variations].
Being jewish, being christian, being muslim, being anything less than the pure random dna that you are .. kills people.
So yes, I am an anti-semite and anti every other god fearing patriachal sky ghost genuflecting parasitic irrational baby killing nonsense that seeks to dominate and exploit human psyschological weakness ...
What are you?
The light of the world?
How do you know that I'm not already attending the M&S picket?
And if I'm ther, what are you going to do? ... Beat me up?
Pathetic, disengenous, racist & stupid behaviour makes you a pathetic, disengenous racist idiot.