Nancy Collins
Nicki Rensten
Victoria Dean
Amanda Richardson
On September 24th 2004 Nancy, Nicki, Victoria and Amanda will be taking part in the Windsor half marathon in order to raise funds for the Prisoners’ Advice Service. PAS is a registered charity (number 1054495) and is the only charitable organisation that offers free legal advice, information, intervention and representation to all prisoners in England and Wales. Many of the people in prison who contact us for help are amongst the most vulnerable in our society and with little public sympathy for offenders in general at present the outlook for most of those who contact us is often dire. In order that prison sentences may be served more effectively we aim to educate people in prison regarding their rights whilst in custody, in relation to the application of the prison rules and the conditions of their imprisonment. We aim to ensure that every prisoner who is treated unfairly whilst in prison has an independent, knowledgeable body able to intervene on their behalf. The Prisoners’ Advice Service receives no government funding.
Neither Nancy, Nicki, Victoria or Amanda have ever run a half-marathon before. All are training hard. A modest monetary donation in recognition of their magnificent effort would be very much appreciated. Thank you:
I WOULD LIKE TO SPONSOR NANCY, NICKI, VICTORIA AND AMANDA FOR THE SUM OF …………………………………. Please send your donation to The Prisoners’ Advice Service, PO Box 46199, London EC1M 4XA (Cheques should be made out to the Prisoners’ Advice Service) OR through BACS transfer to CafCash sort code 40-52-40, account 0000 2830).
For more info email