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Media Coverage of the ESF

infos | 07.09.2004 18:44 | European Social Forum | Free Spaces | Globalisation | Indymedia | London

This is a page to collect media articles about the European Social Forum in London October 2004.

Below is one of the first - a guardian article. There have already been articles in the Evening Standard, the Tribune and a phone in debate on bbc london.

Gathering of left to attract 30,000,,1297009,00.html

Tania Branigan
Saturday September 4, 2004
The Guardian

"No one's in charge," said a participant happily while looking up from his minutes. "This is time-consuming and messy."

With the conference season fast approaching, the delegates in a small central London office this week were planning their grand autumn gathering. But to anyone accustomed to the disciplined choreography of modern party politics, the sprawling nature and democratic planning of the third European Social Forum is likely to come as a shock.

Up to 30,000 people from trade unions, charities and community groups in Europe will come to the capital next month. British affiliates alone include Oxfam, Unison, the Muslim Council of Britain and the Gay Authors Workshop.

"Traditional conferences are almost a show: this is built from the bottom up," Hannah Griffiths, of Friends of the Earth, said. This weekend, planning committees are meeting in Brussels to choose speakers for the event, after careful discussions with organisations in their region.

Rather than risk the tyranny of the majority by voting, the delegates will reach a consensus through negotiations.

The four-day event, which kicks off on October 14, will include debates, seminars and hundreds of workshops, and will culminate in a demonstration through central London. The mayor, Ken Livingstone, has pledged an estimated £400,000 in funding.

"This is an extraordinary international event - the biggest conference in Europe," he said yesterday. "It will bring huge benefits to London to be able to discuss the last word in environmental protection, human rights, public services, peace and fair trade with tens of thousands of young people from all over Europe. I hope they will go home with a permanent place for this city in their hearts."

The labyrinthine planning process results from lengthy arguments between "horizontals" - activists who wish to eschew hierarchies and retain the forum's open, democratic nature - and more traditional, structured organisations. Sceptics may question whether participants can make their ideas attractive to the wider public, or whether the forum is simply a talking shop for the left.

"If we say it's going to change the world it sounds ludicrous," said an ESF spokesman. "But on a really basic level it's people learning from each other and building strategic relationships. Those things do make a difference."

Reporter's blog
17.11.2003: Matthew Tempest: French resistance

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ESF 2003
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European Social Forum, Paris 2003
World Social Forum, India 2004
World Social Forum, Porto Alegre
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Evening Stdn on Travelcard 7th Sept

07.09.2004 18:52

The Evening Standard has run a critial story about the free travel cards for those purhcasing ESF tickets - this follows a previous article criticising the spending of public money on the ESF, a story generated by right wing tory members of the london assembly.

Mayor gives activists free travel on the Tube
By Paul Waugh, Evening Standard Deputy Political Editor
7 September 2004

Ken Livingstone is to give free travelcards worth up to £400,000 to Left-wing activists attending a conference in the capital next month. Less than a week after announcing that Tube and bus fares will rise next year, the Mayor has decided that up to 20,000 delegates at the "global justice" event will get three days of unlimited travel in zones 1-6.

Backers of the plan say it will cost a fraction of the headline cost as no extra Tube or bus services will be laid on. But the Mayor's office admits the bill will be "in the low tens of thousands of pounds". The Tory group on the London Assembly today attacked the move as "a scandalous waste of money".

The European Social Forum conference, to debate capitalism's impact on human rights, is already costing the Greater London Authority about £400,000.

Redmond O'Neill, one of the Mayor's advisers, said: "A lot of people will not be able to come if we don't reduce their costs."


Hmm - lovely

08.09.2004 11:54

The Guardian had an article which included a statement from one of the organisers gleefully saying who good it will be for London business.

Change the world with GLA, SLP, Business, NGOs and GR.

Can't wait to see the outcome.

Sarah K

The ESF Sheds its Radical Clothes and Embraces the Mainstream.

11.09.2004 17:27

The CPGB's Weekly Worker describes how the GLA have bought this years ESF for £400,000, so Ken Livingston and his helpers can call all the shots.

Weekly Worker, Thursday September 9 2004



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