London Indymedia

Monad Squat – new radical project for social change - looking for people

Arrow | 24.08.2004 14:03 | Free Spaces | Globalisation | Technology | London

Of course which is not new and even still not a project…
Project which will be opened soon (hopefully this week) will look for people interested in:
- squatting
- getting involved in the project happening inside
- helping out (incl. staying overnights/throug the day)

Anyone interested call 0789 739 2160

And check more details at

Project is created for speeding up social change and implementing sustainability around the world – and it includes opening free spaces for:
- exchange – free market based on beyond (banking system) currencies (incl. LETS and others)
- computer office implementing couple sustainable projects (
- healing, martial arts and meditation spaces
- some nice mysterious others including your ideas ;-)

Space welcomes any other socially crucial projects…

All the projects will try to be the matrixes, which we hope to present on European Social Forum ( ; ).
Viva Revolucione!
From Kazachstan reports Abracadabra

- e-mail:
- Homepage:


Hide the following 15 comments


24.08.2004 14:38

Meeting will be on Thursday...
Please call to recieve the message at that day with the details...


silly question perhaps, but...

24.08.2004 15:25

hi arrow,

what are you talking about?

where is this project? what country / city / area?

what do you need?

how can people help or get involed?


Use your loaf

24.08.2004 20:15

Stu. you are obviously a bit green on the squatting front.
Read the posting again.
There's a telephone number, and URL.



25.08.2004 08:25

oi, h! looked at weblink and failed to see where this venture is supposed to be (ie. city/town), so lay off stu.
for anyone who might be interested, it looks as though this is another hippy type thing. you know, the type off thing with lots of omming, yoghurt weaving etc..
lets all hold hands to make the world a better place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

no body in particular

Back off nobody

25.08.2004 09:07

Hey, man, it's still better than, like building massive bombs to screw the environment with multinational pharmaceuticals for big fatcat business, actually...Who's skinning up?



25.08.2004 09:11

Stu, my yoga teacher says: 'Omming is better than umming and arrhing, man'. He also says:' Dont tell the cops where ya gunna squat, because they wont be welcoming ya with a cup a green tea. Ommmmmmm'


om for world peace

25.08.2004 09:20

exactly. If more people ommed instead of wreaking global destruction and raping the mother universe there'd be less interstellar psychic misery and more...omming. and hummus.

moonrock anenome supernova afterbirth

Fair enough question

25.08.2004 10:20

As they didn't say, you can assume it'll be London. :(

The Londoncentricity of us Londoners (well, ex-Londoner) including those of us claiming to have a radical agenda is a mirror of the centralisation of the state. It should not need saying that this is really negative and counter productive.

Its like other oppressions (eg sexism, racism, classism) where the dominant is assumed to be the default, and the oppressed is "other", deviant, needing a label. (bell hooks excellent "ain't i a woman" brought my issues with this to my attention.)

The deviant, needing an adjective (eg women's prison, women's football etc or witness the popular interchangeability of "English" and "British" which wouldn't happen with "Scottish", "Welsh" or even sometimes (not enough...) with people from Yorkshire) is made to feel shit, and internalises it.

It's really noticeable with accents. "Standard English" is what the upper-middle classes (not even, really, the ruling classes, though I don't claim to be a linguist, just seems that way) in London speak. Everyone else has an accent, and is portrayed as uneducated, idiocyncratic, etc.

Rant over.

If we:
(1) want to involve people not already "part of the scene" (clique, closed group of self satisfied exclusive radicals, as you will...) we need to be more explicitly welcoming and not assume anybody worthwhile will have prior knowledge. And we need to do this consciously, just like we have to work on our other socially constructed fuck-ups like all of our deep rooted classism, racism, able bodied-ism, sexism etc and not assume that because we have started thinking with a radical critique that that makes us fully reconstructed and above reproach.

(2) want to challenge the centralism of the state we need to be explicitly decentralised in our relationships with the whole planet, but especially those within the same political state. And personally I think we should be more understanding of "nationalism" (and I don't mean of the flag waving, identifying with "our own ruling class" variety) and have a better developed critique. Lots of national liberation struggles are obviously deserving of our support (Palestine, Chiapas, Bougainville(sp?)) and its like needing to have women only spaces, or organising as blacks, its a process that is needed by those who have been oppressed.

(Discussion welcome - email me at )


just what we need, another drain for dossers

25.08.2004 12:26

good idea. gets a few more useless hippies off the street,
(assuming they can understand any of whats written on that website)


Organism will develope wherever you need

25.08.2004 14:32

This will be in London - we've just recieved call from outside or edges of London what mean that a space is not making any borders.

Verrry goood


Multi-personality disorder

25.08.2004 21:13

Stu., no body in particular, cynic, joe. Why so many different names?


All is good

25.08.2004 23:44

The space is totally multidimensional and in tune with the vibrations of those not in londoncentric circles. By cooperation and assistance of the many we will transend the limits of the time and space cages to open healing potential to the social.

Those able to involve should do so. Open your mind.


God help us

26.08.2004 00:35

I am besides myself with dispair!

Save us from the hippies and the cynics of the world.



26.08.2004 13:43

just joking, i was impersonating H. above. I am not a hippist really. they are infact related to Anarchos.
hush hush, mum is the word, bob is your aunty and i like putting on frocks too.


of course open space open now

26.08.2004 23:33

Our most humble achievements with together our friends old and new have provided the new space and we shall now be open from days just a few as we prepare and cleaning the project space. all helps welcome. call for detail.



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