London Indymedia

dinner and debate - anarchy, freedom, democracy

rampart | 22.08.2004 20:42 | Analysis | Culture | Free Spaces | London

Below are details of future events at the rampart squatted social centre in the next few days/weeks (get involved. Weekly meetings, Monday 6pm)


* Monday 23rd - Camcorder activism gathering/workshop
* Tuesday 24th – Dinner and Debate : ‘Anarchy, Freedom and Democracy’
* Wednesday 25th - Free Community Cinema : ‘They Live / Reclaim the Media’
* September 4th – Benefit Gig with Gertrude

Rampart events (get involved. Weekly meetings, Monday 6pm)


* Monday 23rd - Camcorder activism gathering/workshop
* Tuesday 24th – Dinner and Debate : ‘Anarchy, Freedom and Democracy’
* Wednesday 25th - Free Community Cinema : ‘They Live / Reclaim the Media’
* September 4th – Benefit Gig with Gertrude


** Monday 23rd - Camcorder activism gathering/workshop

An evening for people interested in or involved with the use of video as a tool for social change - Exchange completed films or useful footage; Build a database / archive of films available for screening; Show your work and get constructive criticism; Find or hear about good films for screening; Get inspiration from what other people have been doing; Seek help with your unfinished projects; Share information, skills and experiences; Get help, advice or training; Link video producers with screening and distribution projects; Meet or form collectives if you are fed up with working alone..…

Starts 7pm. Food available.
See for full details.

** Tuesday 24th – Dinner and Debate : ‘Anarchy, Freedom and Democracy’

Enjoy a delicious dinner and then sit down to bash out some pointless theoretical issues while your meal digests. Just what you’ve all been waiting for, a chance to explore the big issues without having to hang out in pubs with a load of drunks. The evening’s topic is anarchy, freedom and democracy. Isn’t anarchy actually impossible and against human nature? Would we know what to do with freedom if we ever got it? And what the hell is democracy anyway? Can we even agree on what these words mean? Assuming thing don’t end with violence, the evening will then fizzle out with some music or perhaps a film depending on how the mood take us.

** Wednesday 25th - Free Community Cinema : ‘They Live / Reclaim the Media’

An evening of films about reclaiming the media, featuring ‘They Live’ (also known as Creepers), the 1988 classic by John Carpenter (see review below).


Globalisation and the Media (Undercurrents)
Breaking News (Undercurrents)
Countdown (Guerrilla News Network)
Sir Ray Tindel Ate My Hamster (Real2Reel)

and many more shorts.

‘They Live’ is subversive social commentary packaged in what appears to be a mindless action movie with a sense of humour that allows audiences to take the film's critiques of consumerism as gentle satire rather than as self-important diatribes.

'Rowdy' Roddy Piper, at the time a popular wrestler; plays a transient everyman figure who, in a city plagued by unemployment, finds a commune of sorts which serves as a refuge. On a television a bearded man, momentarily interrupts the signal to tout his discovery that the people are asleep and that there is some signal responsible for collective somnambulism. Our homeless hero later obtains a pair of sunglasses that, when worn, unmask hidden messages on billboards and magazine. Messages such as "Marry and Reproduce," or simply, "Obey". The words "This is your God" can be seen on a dollar bill. Furthermore, the sunglasses reveal that many of the middle and ruling classes are infact aliens with creepy luminous eyes and blotchy purple skin.

The people are asleep. The print media is propaganda containing subliminal orders. They Live is a distinct social commentary, and it is all the more apt for its reality. Corporate dominance, as in the film, thrives on marketability; there are promises of wealth to those who conform. Moreover, the aliens’ messages, though simplified, are apparent in most every example of media; we are bombarded by orders to consume, to get a “better” deodorant or to switch to a “better” long-distance service.

In many ways, They Live is a parody of 1950's science-fiction films (especially Invasion of the Body Snatchers) in which aliens were often used as subversive symbols of communism. Here, however, the aliens represent the image of consumerism. In an interview about the film, Carpenter was asked, "You suggested that materialism and greed were running rampant at the expense of our humanity?" "That's obvious, isn't it?" Carpenter responded.
“Unrestrained capitalism will destroy us - absolutely.... Just look outside. I've never seen so many homeless in my entire life - and not drug addicts and alcoholics - I mean, respectable, lower-middle-class people.... But maybe that's why no one was interested in the film. Who wants to hear that your civilization is in decline.”

The film was indeed a complete box office failure. Initially people were interested in seeing the film but audiences soon dropped off as more and more reviews slagged it off. Lovers or action films may have been miffed. Normally they could cheer as the heroes battered the villains but this time they themselves were the film's villains, and the heroes were the 'crazy' homeless people who rant about the things that of course aren't really there.

** September 4th – Benefit Gig

On the 4th September, the rampART hosts it's first gig with three acts booked so far. The line up included the funky sounds of our resident 'God Like Animals', the hard hitting political rap of 'The Rub' and the punky all grrl 'Gertrude' (post punk with cello, clarinet and melodica) to rock you into the night. Also expect some mind jarring visuals and videos.
The event will be a benefit to help kit out the rampART center will stuff like rehearsal room/recording studio/audio/video editing suite together so we’ll be looking for door donations of £5.

The venue for all these events is 15-17 Rampart Street, London E1 2LA〈=&addr1=&client=public&addr2=&advanced=&addr3=&pc=E12LA&quicksearch=E1+2LA&cidr_client=none
Nearest tubes: Whitechapel, Shadwell, Aldgate East
07050 618 445



Hide the following 7 comments

anarchy is the only ethical form of governance

23.08.2004 11:17

Goverments that are based upon the art of hierarchy are immoral, and unethical. One man has no right to declare he is superior to another, and rule over most. Any goverment may end up corrupt, as leaving any sort of power to man WILL EVENTUALY BE ABUSED! A dictator may go the way of Emporer Neor. Burning down a section of his own empire only to save the people who live there and give them shelter so they would like him more. Even a group of many may act in the wrong, as when the councl killed one of our most beloved leaders, Julius Ceaser. Kigndoms fall, people die. Anarchy, not the murderous, crime-infested, rape-indulged society your parents have always warned you about. Anarch is goverment without hierarchy. All men truly are created equal, and no man is inferior to any other. What would you prefer to live in if given a choice, a Democratic Utopia; a Communist Utopia; a Dictatorship Utopia; or an Anarchist Utopia?


Anarchy the only ethical form of governance?

23.08.2004 13:29

Given the limited choice of "what would you like with your utopia?", I think I'll go with:

1. Any form where I'm not required to be an anarchist and I'm given the freedom not to be one.

2. Any form where we can organise and break out of utopia. I mean, it's got to be boring isn't it?

3. Any form that doesn't have a Dead Men With Beards Appreciation Society

4. By preferance I'll carry on being ungoverned and ingovernable


You appear to be describing anarchism, Inkspot ;-)

23.08.2004 15:05

or at least some form of libertarian society. Though I do agree KHinfcube22's choices were a little on the oversimplified side.


Anarchy is pants

23.08.2004 15:52

KHinfcube22 said in post # :
> Goverments that are based upon the art of hierarchy are immoral, and unethical.
> One man has no right to declare he is superior to another, and rule over most.
> Any goverment may end up corrupt, as leaving any sort of power to man

But without a leader, nothing happens. YOu argue. The leader is supposed to listen and make the decision. By the way, you just insulted the forum mods.

> A dictator may go the way of Emporer Neor.

I don't really like monarchies anyway. ONe person can go nuts in power, and you can't take him out.

> burning down a section of his own empire only to save the people who live there and
> give them shelter so they would like him more. Even a group of many may act in the
> wrong, as when the councl killed one of our most beloved leaders, Julius Ceaser.
> Kigndoms fall, people die. Anarchy, not the murderous, crime-infested, rape-indulged
> society your parents have always warned you about. Anarch is goverment without
> hierarchy. All men truly are created equal, and no man is inferior to any other. What
> would you prefer to live in if given a choice, a Democratic Utopia; a Communist
> Utopia; a Dictatorship Utopia; or an Anarchist Utopia?

Anarchy means that there is no way of justice or central control. If there is a problem, say, pollution, who is to say that they should fix themselves up? Nobody would agree on a solution. You need someone to vote on what should happen, and a leader that helps.
The people are equal. It's just one worked hard and got priveledges.

Imagine this: There is a company with NO leader. Nothing. So they want to make a new product. But other people DON'T. They think it's bad, but others say it's good. With no leader, you can't make them. They'd never do what you want them to. You don't have to do anything. Nobody could make them. So then there would be no reason to work, and no ways to enforce laws against bad business practices.

Imagine you have a kid to take care of. You have NO authority over him, it's an anarchy. So he can eat all the food and wreck the house, and you can't stop him.

Anarchy has no structure. It gives no rights, since people can't claim that somebody "has no right to do that," since there is no government or law enforcement to enforce it.

Cap'n Refsmmat


23.08.2004 16:15

Anarchists are against is entrenched and insitutionalised leadership, not leadership per-se. If anything, anarchism allows true leadership - appreciation (without preference for the rich or powerful) of people's expertise or knowledge of certain areas of thought or action, allowing people to listen to their points of view and inform themselves without being forced to follow or obey.


stop the debate!

23.08.2004 16:49

come on now guys and girls, Indymedia isn't the place to debate the pros and cons of anarchy (eh.. honestly). Save you ammunition for the debate at the rampart on tuesday starting 7pm with vegan dinner by donation (plug plug).

We could do with some volunteers to ensure that we have proposers and seconders blaa blaa blaa. Get in touch


anarchism is...

23.08.2004 17:44

Cap'n Refsmmat, you could try:
to clear up all your misunderstandings about Anarchism.



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