"Rebel Voices" is an anthology of politically conscious quotations to inspire and incite using commentaries from some of the most courageous minds of our time. The book will be published by Common Courage Press in 2005. We are seeking YOUR photographs and art work to help make this a visually powerful book.
The book contains over 150 topics and thousands of quotations. A short sampling of topics include War, Imperialism, Race/Racism, the Environment, Religion, Women’s Liberation, Rebellion, the Criminal Justice System, Politics, Government, Media, Queer Liberation, Globalization, Terrorism, Indigenous People, Patriarchy, Economics, Materialism, Artistic and Cultural Resistance, Technology, Health, Free speech, Revolution, Peace.--and almost everything in between and outside. Please see chapter topics further down the page for more for a complete list.
It is not necessary that your art conform to any one topic or category!!! We are seeking all moving, powerful images that reflect the struggle for a better world or the conditions that make change necessary. Please let us know if you would like quotation samples for any topic to get a sense of what the book will be like.
"Rebel Voices" is a fundraiser. 100% of the royalties from this project will be donated to an activist foundation that will use the money to support grassroots organizing, with a focus on activism led by people of color and women. We regret that we will probably NOT be able to provide any compensation to artists for their work. This is merely an opportunity to have your work published in a book which will reach thousands of people.
All rights to the art work remain with you—you are only granting the rights publish your work in this book, and you therefore retain the right to publish your work anywhere else you wish at any time. You are free to submit work which has been published or exhibited previously.
How to submit images:
If you would like to e-mail images to us, you can send them first as lo-res Jpeg’s. We will contact you to let you know what whether we would like to publish. Please keep in mind that to publish our final selections, images sent by e-mail or on a disk should be in very high resolution (300—600 dpi) in tif format.
Feel free to also mail photos, prints and posters to our p.o. box. They should not be larger than 11 by 17 inches.
If you are submitting a photo, please in include 1-2 sentences describing what it depicts, where and when it was taken, and your name.
Rebel Voices
P.O. Box 38745
Philadelphia, PA 19104
The e-mail address is:

Submit your materials no later than November 1, 2004. Entries submitted after that date may not be considered.
Legal Stuff:
Please sign the "Authorized Use" form included below and either print it and send it by postal mail or as an e-mail attachment. Please include with your submission your name, address or P.O. Box or e-mail address. Any questions or concerns about submissions can sent via e-mail or postal mail.
Basic Chapter Topics in included in "Rebel Voices:"
Imperialism, Occupation, Nationhood, National Self-Determination, Nationalism, Race, Ethnicity, Racism, Slavery, Reparations, Indigenous Peoples, Civilization, Progress
Technology, Machines, Artificialism, Consumer Culture, Materialism, Waste, Cities, Suburbs, Cars,The Earth, the Environment, Ecology, Natural Resources Water, Animals, Animal Liberation, Environmental Pollution and Degradation, Environmental Justice, Resistance and Struggle, Political Movements, Social Change Work, Activism, Rebellion, Leaders, Direct Action, Civil Disobedience, Violence, Non-Violence, Pacifism, Self Defense, Bridging Differences, Forging Unity, Building Coalitions, Solidarity, Freedom, Justice, Equality, Liberation, Independence, Self Determination, Revolution, Revolutionaries, Education, Knowledge, Ignorance, Voicing Dissent, Speaking Out, Breaking Silence, Words, Speech, Language, Freedom of Speech, Censorship, History, Memory, the Past, Political Consciousness and Awareness, Political Commitment and Perseverance , Media, News, Journalism, Communications, Art, Music, Expression, Creativity, Women, Women’s Liberation, Feminism, Womanism, Sexism, Patriarchy, Sexual Abuse, Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual, Trans-Gendered, Two Spirit, Queer Liberation, Gender, Homophobia, Heterosexism, Gender Roles, Sexuality, Love, Hate, Economics, Capitalism, Corporations, Global Economy, Work, Employment, Labor, Unions, The Wealthy, Poverty, Class Struggle, Money, Government, Democracy, the State, Patriotism, America, Power, Authority, Privilege, Laws and Legality, Politicians, Elected Officials, Politics, Voting, Representation, Liberals, Conservatives, Conservatism, the Far Right, Hate Groups, Police, Prisons, Courts, Criminal Justice System, Capital Punishment, Political Prisoners, Prisoners of War, Political Detainees, Immigration, Migration, Deportation, Civil Rights, Civil Liberties, Human Rights, Oppression, Prejudice, Injustice, Political Repression, Bigotry, Riots, Insurrections, Society, the People, Children, Youth, Family, Parents, Elders, Age, Home, Housing, Community, Geography, Health, Illness, Drugs, Drug War, Food and Hunger, Spirituality, Religion, Theology, Resistance and the Spirit, Emotions and Psychology, Truth and Falsehood, Ideologies, Ideas, Radical Philosophy, Life, Death, War, Militarism, Armed Conflict, Guns, Weaponry, Fascism, Nazism, Terrorism, Retaliation, Counter-Insurgency, Peace
Terms & Conditions:
A submission implies that you agree with the following terms: Submission will be returned following review if you include a (SASE) self-addressed stamped envelope with sufficient postage. By signing the form below you authorize publication of your work to appear in Rebel Voices in any form that the editor has been able to acquire and distribute throughout the world.
Authorized Use:
I, __________________________(YOUR NAME), authorize publication of the enclosed images in the book, "Rebel Voices," edited by Teishan Latner. I am the author of the images that I am submitting and have the rights to publish them in said book. I further authorize their use in the translation of Rebel Voices into any language, and any other future compilation in book form derived therefrom and its distribution throughout the world. I further authorize use of my material as an excerpt that may appear on the Internet, CD-ROM, or DVD, for purposes of promoting or marketing the book. I understand that I automatically retain all copyrights over my material and that its inclusion does not hinder my rights in any way beyond its publication in said book. I understand that "Rebel Voices" is a charity project and that I am not guaranteed any compensated for my submission.
___________________________ ___________
(Name or signature of author) (Date)