In Venezuela any elected official can be removed mid-term by a simple referendum majority. This extremely democratic constitutional right (imagine if we could've voted out Blair a year ago, before the war) was originally suggested by President Hugo Chávez, who ironically will be now the first person to face this test, on 15th August 2004.
Supporting him are the country's poor majority, who have seen their lives transformed with new schools, hospitals and housing, finally tasting their slice of the huge oil-revenue pie. Against him are the local elite who are used to owning Venezuela, and the Washington warmongers who are used to owning its oil.
In London we are holding a week of events in solidarity with the Venezuelan people, and to tell the US and UK governments, who've already backed one coup against Chávez, to keep their hands off Venezuela! Get involved now if you want to help or find out more about how power to the people is a reality and spreading throughout the world.
In Venezuela any elected official can be removed mid-term by a simple referendum majority. This extremely democratic constitutional right (imagine if we could've voted out Blair a year ago, before the war) was originally suggested by President Hugo Chávez, who ironically will be now the first person to face this test, on 15th August 2004.
Supporting him are the country's poor majority, who have seen their lives transformed with new schools, hospitals and housing, finally tasting their slice of the huge oil-revenue pie. Against him are the local elite who are used to owning Venezuela, and the Washington warmongers who are used to owning its oil.
In London we are holding a week of events in solidarity with the Venezuelan people, and to tell the US and UK governments, who've already backed one coup against Chávez, to keep their hands off Venezuela! Get involved now if you want to help or find out more about how power to the people is a reality and spreading throughout the world.
Opening of Latin American Liberation exhibition at the RampART Social Centre, Rampart St, Whitechapel E1 (location for all events unless otherwise specified). Discussion of the Bolivarian Movement in Venezuela, from 'liberation circles' to government-supported social centres and grassroots radio stations.
Cuba & Venezuela: two countries the US thinks have "gone bad". Authentic food, music & information with Rock Around the Blockade, plus a general debate on armed vs peaceful revolutions.
Could Venezuela's "Democratic Revolution" work in Colombia? Discussion with Colombia Solidarity Campaign; in focus, life in the flashpoint border region of Arauca.
Chávez vs Global Capital. How could Venezuela tell the World Bank to stick their loans, what is the Bolivarian alternative to ALCA, and what does a 'worker-friendly government' really mean for the new popular trade union, the UNT?
"Media-Coup" in Venezuela, front-line in the war of ideas. Debriefing from indymedia and the NUJ on the battle between community and corporate media world-wide, and why the news out of Venezuela is the opposite of what's really happening. All-day screenings with filmakers.
Proper propaganda: creative workshop with the ECF at Project 142, Lea Bridge Rd, E5. Banner-making, screen-printing T-shirts, posters & stickers, software skill-sharing and more in preparation for Sunday's picket. Chill-out evening in social space.
Day of Referendum. Worldwide US Embassy picket to let Washington know we are watching them. In London, meet 1pm at Speakers' Corner (as Venezuelans wake up to vote) then 2pm march to Embassy in Grosvenor Sq. Exhibition closing party at the RampART.