1. Leafleting F911: Urgent action next week
2. Upcoming the Great Deception screenings
3. Ellen Mariani London Press conference/event in September: Urgent action
4. 'Bogus 9/11 sites' follow-up
5. Further exciting opportunities to get involved including leafleting F911 in West
End on Monday 12th and Wednesday 14th and Sheffield Saturday July 17th
Other bits and bobs.
Subscribe or unsubscribe by return email, please all other emails to

focussed this week, apologies for non UK members. Thanks. Ian
1) Leafleting F911: Urgent action
Monday July 12 and July 14: Leicester Square and West End cinemas, Central London
from around 7pm to 9pm (and possibly beyond) leafleting audiences attending
Fahrenheit 911 (with adaptation of leaflet to publicise our network being written
and printed) with '' film crew (Simon and friends) to recording
events. Once on-line version ready will post a link so you can download or possibly
can arrange to print and post leaflets (with contribution for costs). Meet at View
Cinema (formerly Warner Village) corner of Leicester Square and Cranbourn St.
Similar leafleting in Sheffield on Saturady July 17. Details from

Here is a link to reports of similar US leafleting to inspire us to get out and
spread the word down your local cinema.

2) Upcoming the Great Deception screenings
Spread the word.
Free video screenings of the Great Deception as detailed here

Followed by brief discussion. Everyone welcome.
The Charterhouse Bar ( on
Monday July 12 CANCELLED (leafleting F911 in West End instead)
Monday August 2 and
Monday August 16 from 7pm to 830pm.
This space is not really suitable for meetings, so it is mainly aimed at introducing
people to the 911 evidence and the network, a few brief questions and that's it.
IMPORTANT: Thursday July 15 @ 7pm postponed until July 22nd (tbc) at the London
Action Resource Centre

E1.This is good opportunity to meet up and discuss conference (below).
3) Planning for press conference for early September
An opportunity to meet with 9/11 widow Ellen Mariani, her lawyer Phil Berg and other
leading 9/11 truth movement researchers and campaigners who are calling for a full
and open investigation into the events of 9/11. Hear the evidence and the unanswered
questions, blah, blah .................
We have a definite opportunity to put something together to significantly raise the
profile of the 9/11 truth movement. Ellen Mariani and Phil Berg have been contacted
and are interested in visiting London either immediately prior or after a 911 event
in Paris on Sept 3 and 4, meaning probably Thursday 2 or Sunday 5. Mike Ruppert may
also be available.

hear a radio interview with Ellen on this site
Forming a group to put this together. Are you interested? Time is obviously of the
essence, especially if we want to really make an impact.
We need
To move quickly. Set up dedicated email list for planning. Email me back if
interested to get involved in any way big or small.
An agreed purpose. I suggest taking 9/11 truth into the mainstream. No diversions
into minute detail. No waffling. Short, sweet, well planned and devastating event A
clear united voice demanding answers and alternative and mainstream press coverage
A clear focus and message for the media. I suggest that focuses on Ellen Mariani's
lawsuit and presents the strongest case as succinctly and effectively as possible.
IMO we need to be 'professional' and 'credible' in the eyes of the media. The fact
that most journalists are a disgrace to their profession and neither professional
nor credible to many of us, does not reduce their importance to us or the need for
us to be professional. I would rather go to a well staged photo opportunity with
Ellen Mariani giving a brief statement/press conference surrounded by her
supporters, with a well worded press release and follow this up with arranging
radio and TV interviews with Ellen and as many other leading 9/11 voices as we can
find who will speak in support of her which is well run, cheap and achievable, than
a bigger event involving greater expense, risk and planning which is more likely to
go pear shaped and be less effective for more effort. That said if we find we have
the time, money and capacity to be more ambitious, then we can be more ambitious.
But let's achievable and effective
To compile a list of people we would wish to speak in support of Ellen and 9/11
truth movement both researchers and activists and more general celebs (politicians,
actors, musicians, journalists, media types) whose support promotes wider acceptance
of US administration complicity in 9/11. For example, were Michael Meacher to speak
in support of Ellen, in many ways this is little more than he has already done and
yet so much more and the more celebs and luuvies as well as ordinary people it may
be possible to rope in the more the harder this will be for the media to ignore
To 'scope out' (sorry for wanky management talk) range of possible events from 1)
modest photo opportunity to 2) hiring larger venue for evening, Ellen, Phil and
others speak and followed by questions and answers (charge entrance to cover costs)
to 3) a 1-2 day '9/11 conference' including benefit gig to all options in between.
To compile a list of contacts in alternative and mainstream print and broadcast
media and personal contacts.
To email lists of activists in progressive movements and an agreed email (adapted to
target different groups)
To compile contacts for London and national listings magazines and websites (Time
Out, etc)
To agree accommodation and logistical support arrangements for Ellen, Phil and other
invited guests. They will need a place to say, some of our options as speakers may
require speaking fee/contribution to costs/travel/hotel...
Lots of other things I've not thought of yet.
A bit of luck
4) Bogus 911 site follow up
Follow up to Mark at 'attack' on bogus 9/11 sites here

FYI I take Janice and Peter's position (page 2 of thread) that we need to focus on
being effective and avoid unnecessary personal attacks. I suspect with little or no
outside help from the CIA some unnecessary divisions are being created. I include
this information because it is helpful to know these divisions have developed. Like
Ian H and Sally who both emailed along similar lines, I feel we shouldn't
self-censor ourselves or dismiss all the physical evidence and opinion cited on
these 'bogus' sites, whilst recognising that the evidence supporting pods, faked
mobile phone calls, controlled demolitions, holographic planes, HAARP or the
missiles used in the towers or pentagon attacks is considered weak by some other
9/11 researchers and in terms of introducing the evidence that demonstrates US govt
complicity to a sceptical public this evidence is probably not the most effective
place to start.
Ian H response
I would question the posting from Mark Robinovitz in the last circular from 911
sceptics. Mark is an excellent researcher who has a particular take eg the
`political` approach, but he is not so good in his criticism of the so-called
physical researchers.
Claims there was a hologram and no plane at the WTC do seem far fetched and pictures
that some web based researchers use are fuzzy, they may even be photoshopped (ie
faked). It is also true that researchers like webfairy are abusive, arrogant and
sloppy, but Robinovitz goes much further than this. The pod theories for instance
are far better evidenced than he concedes.
Coming from a political background myself I understand his worries about pictures
but to many others the sort of political inferences we make may also seem far
fetched. As Abu Ghraib shows, pictures can be far more powerful than words.
Underlying his often justified criticisms is a dangerous assumption: that to improve
the credibility of 911 sceptics with the mainstream media we need to police other
researchers. He cites an article in Vanity Fayre making fun of 911 researchers.
But Vanity Fayre ran an obnoxious piece by David Rose which even the Observer did
not publish saying the anthrax attacks were due to Iraq when the story had been
thoroughly debunked weeks earlier.
In these days of the internet we do not have to make concessions to bigots in the US
corporate media.
General jobs me/we could do with support on if anyone is offering
* Spreading the word: by email, word of mouth, to friends and strangers, request a
video selection from me and show to family and friends, distribute deception dollars
(available at cost from Ian H, email me for details), encourage people to join this
email list
* Research jobs e.g. identifying potentially sympathetic people in media, celeb
land, business, in UK govt, military and civil service, whistleblowers, alternative
media including contact details. Emailing them to invite them to join network.
* Research and make contact with other networks.
* Help compile this news bulletin
* Identify cunning ways to raise money either as gifts or as revenue.
* Arrange and publicise further video/film screenings. A range of venues in London
that will screen films freely identified, just need wider range of films (not just
about 9/11) and someone to arrange with venue, publicise and if possible attend to
introduce film and any post film discussion. The film screening at the Occupied
Social Centre, Tufnell Park on July 1 went well, video well received. 5 members of
this network plus around 30 centre users attended. Minimal advertising, numbers
could have been greater for little extra work. Excellent venue for similar
screenings. Well connected within anarchist and anti-capitalist circles.
* Along similar lines, I'm planning to propose a 9/11 truth movement 'workshop' for
the European Social Forum to be held in London in October and would welcome any

and probable cost is around £130. Anyone want to come in with me on this, share
costs, planning and running?
* Open to further suggestions
News from Cem and IOF: Iraq Occupation Focus
Newsletter No. 1 July 2, 2004
This is the first of what we hope will be regular IOF Newsletters featuring useful
information for all those campaigning to end the occupation of Iraq. Please feel
free to circulate to anyone interested
Fahrenheit 9/11: The Sequel: a review by 9/11 skeptic Mark Robinowitz

Signed copies by Michael Meacher of the New Pearl Harbour available from . Proceeds to fund 9/11
Plus ......
Just added to are two audio interviews. The first is with David
Ray Griffin, author of the new book `The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions
About the Bush Administration And 9/11'.
The second is an exclusive interview with Michael Meacher, MP. Meacher was Blair's
Environment Minister until 2003. In September of last year, he wrote a lengthy piece
in the Guardian, ` This war on terrorism is bogus

veracity of the official story of 9/11.
He has renewed his criticism of the 9/11 legend in the foreword to Griffin's
UK-edition book.
Both interviews can be found at

Simon Aronowitz
Editor -
Sent in a personal capacity
Kind regards
Ian Neal
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