It’s an event for those of you who are already involved, interested in getting involved in the ECF, or just curious.
It’ll be an open networking space for people to work together and test out ideas, prepare, rehears and create. 2.30pm to 8pm, again we’ll be using “Open Space”, a self-organising framework for people not just discuss but create, propose and develop content, workshops, shows, exhibitions etc focused around the next ECF event and building towards activities during Octobers European Social Forum in London.
What would you like to see at the next ECF events?
In a truly open fashion, come and make it happen on July 10, there’s;
a computer lab with broadband access
Music lab
Sewing/costume room
A painting room
Discussion rooms
Healing space
cooking area
we’ll provide some equipment but please feel free to bring instruments, video cameras, paints, canvas etc - whatever you hope to find.
Open Space’s law of 2 feet gives the day a fluid nature. If at any point you're not enjoying a session or would prefer to move to another session, then, use your two feet.
Michael Roth (Community Building Britain) will be back to introduce the Open Space methodology . To propose a session you’ve got to be at the Rampart for 2.30pm (some session are being pre booked- email;

Doors open at 12 noon, but everyone is welcomed to help set up the space on Friday the 9th and/or before doors open on Saturday 10th (+Carlo, an amazing Italian Chef/Artists has asked for 4 volunteers to come to the Rampart and help cook on Friday eve).
Lunch will be served at 1pm (add by bringing a dish or any food to share. BRING A PLATE, CUP, KNIFE AND FORK
At 8pm we’ll report back from the sessions and then we’ll be celebrating and having a little 'do', organic beers etc... some shows and performances so DRESS TO EXPRESS.
There'll also be a lot of the usual cool array of conscious-awakening and creative activities from music and mime; painting and poetry; dance and debate; theatre and cinema; seminars, workshops etc.
hope to see you there Saturday July 10th (1pm-1am)
@ The Rampart Street Community Creative Centre and Social Space
15-17 Rampart Street, LONDON, E1 2LA (off Commercial Road)
07070 618445

Tube: Whitechapel or Shadwell DLR
Bus: 15, 115
If all you see are problems, then the world is full of problems and always will be.
Seek to create solutions. Seek creative solutions.
The European Creative Forum is an open space for all people to express creative visions of another world including: * harmony * inclusivity * participation * empowerment * authentic communication
At July’s Visions of Another World gathering, The European Creative Forum is seeking to consolidate in terms of clarity at this fulcrum moment in its development.
At Rampart Street (a new, smaller, more intimate venue), the ECF will again use its array of conscious-awakening and creative activities from music and mime; painting and poetry; dance and debate; theatre and cinema; seminars, workshops and more to manifest a world with sustainable social values.
However, the event will this time concentrate on quality rather than quantity in terms of the Open Discussions, the Line Up and the Programme of Workshops (full details to follow).
The afternoon’s Open Discussions will focus on the ECF itself and its role within the rapidly growing movement of social change as an open platform for art and creativity as well as for the democratic discussion of ideas and workshops.
We will discuss how the ECF can be a nurturing and uniting space for networking, reflective thinking, formulation and development of proposals and the free exchange of experiences and inter-linking for effective action by groups and movements of civil society committed to promoting cultural change towards another, better world.
Creative = to create, to innovate and to imagine!
To create: by bringing together existing initiatives from the change community – the seeds of new lifestyles and ways people can experience different aspects of a vision.
To innovate: through bringing together the leading edge, creative thinkers of our time we can develop ideas, visions and plans on a intellectual level. To imagine: through artistic expression, we can describe visions that are felt on an emotional level and reflect the depth of our imagination. by participating in creative activities we can engage depths of our imagination The Visions of Another World event is the process and the process the event. The quality of both the event and the organisational process to produce the event should be given equal importance.
Both the creative forum process and event are not just platforms for expressing visions, but are experiments in the highest level of ethical debate.
So the activities undertaken by the teams organising creative forums should in themselves demonstrate ethics that reflect a possible vision of another world. The ethical choices undertaken don't seek to prescribe what is the right choice. The ECF embraces infinite possibilities: no one choice is the right choice all are choices, works in progress and dependant upon time, resources and information available.
“Yet you will not have, cannot produce, the society of which you have always dreamed unless and until you see with wisdom and clarity the ultimate truth: that what you do to others, you do to yourself; what you fail to do for others, you fail to do for yourself; that the pain of others is your pain, and the joy of others your joy, and when you disclaim any part of it, you disclaim a part of yourself. Now is the time to reclaim yourself.” (Neale Donald Walsch)
Come and create your Vision of Another World!
ECF @ The Rampart Street Community Creative Centre and Social Space
15-17 Rampart Street, LONDON, E1 2LA (off Commercial Road)
Tube: Whitechapel or Shadwell DLR Bus: 15, 115