around the country on Saturday 22nd May.
We are following this up with a national day of action on Friday 28th May.
1. Vigil at the Israeli Embassy, High Street Kensington, from 5.00pm -
Please pass the word around so that we can get as many people there as
2. Virtual Lobby Day - please fax, email or phone the Israeli Embassy and
the Foreign Office to express your disgust at the way that Israel is
killing people and demolishing homes and businesses. Demand that Israel
ends its illegal occupation. Demand that the British government recalls
the British Ambassador from Tel Aviv, and imposes economic sanctions on
Israel until the occupation is ended.
Everyone can take part in the Virtual Lobby Day - we want thousands of
calls to be made. Those responsible must be made aware of our feelings.
Israeli Embassy: fax: 020 7957 9555
Tel: 020 7957 9500

Foreign Office: Jack Straw:fax: 020 7270 2144/ 020 7008 2462 (middle east
peace Section)
Tel: 020 7008 1500
Palestine Desk: 020 7008 3796

Prime Minister: Tony Blair: fax: 020 7925 0918
Email via:

We will be calling more action in response to the sentence on Marwan
Barghouti, expected on Sunday June 6th.