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Outrage gay rights protest at Palestine rally Saturday 15th May

Bolshie Photos | 17.05.2004 18:24 | Indymedia | London

Demonstrators and stewards
harass Peter Tatchell and Outrage demo at Palestine Solidarity rally






A number of demonstrators and stewards heckle and harass Peter Tatchell and other protesters from the gay rights group "Outrage" at the Palestine Solidarity demonstration in Trafalgar Square on Saturday 15th May.
Peter and his comrades attempted to protest against the brutal occupation of Palestine by Israel while at the same time drawing attention to the presecution of gays in the occupied territories by the Palestinan Authority and their security forces.
While attempting to do this they were unfortunately harassed and heckled by some stewards and protesters.
Peter Tatchell has been a lifelong fighter for Palestinian liberation and many other progressive causes. Apparantely his vision of a democratic Palestine where all are free and equal didn't seem to be shared by all at that protest, as they were trying to shield their placards from the public and media. Personally it was a bit strange to be threatened by long standing and respected activists who tried to stop me taking these pix. As if I didn't already get enough grief from cops and fascists in my line of work. The last thing I need was what I thought was my own side trying to stop me doing my job! I bet these idiots will be rather embarssed by their actions on that day!

Bolshie Photos
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Hide the following 6 comments

A united front......

17.05.2004 21:11

I do hope that all those who did this were ashamed of themselves. The Outrage protestors were not causing a fuss (form the look of the photographs) and I do not see what good seperating him out. No matter what the situation in Palestine, if there are human rights abuses (in thius case it reads like there is persicution of homosexuals) then I would have to ask what these stewards felt they were doing. Where did they get the right to decide who may and may not protest with them so long as they are not causing trouble

Some explinations please

Many Regards As Ever

john Cooper
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17.05.2004 21:18

'Israel stop persecuting Palestine, Palestine stop persecuting queers'

should perhaps read:

'Israeli state stop persecuting Palestine, Palestinian Authority stop persecuting queers'

Identifying people with their imposed leaders and governments is extremely unhelpful; apart from the total innaccuracy it puts potential allies on the defensive!


An answer ....

18.05.2004 14:59

A. See my fuller comments on gays and islam at the end of the posting from the 16th at
1505.(nr 49!!- It's certainly generated a lot of debate- great to see your valiant
defence of Outrage and the gay perspective Brett)

B also see
website of lesbian muslim Irshad Manji.

Her book is called The Trouble with Islam (mainstrean publ)
Detailing the anti progressive history of Islam since such was imposed in the 12th C
(prior was more progressive) and indeed her 'Operation Itjihad' to re establish
the progressive Islam so long lost.


Gay activists attacked on Palestine Solidarity Demonstration

20.05.2004 13:15

As a life-long Jewish anti-Zionist and a founder member of Palestine Solidarity Campaign, I am ashamed that supporters of Outrage were harassed on the demonstration and an attempt made to prevent them expressing their opinion on the persecution of gay Palestinians.

I can vouch that Peter Tatchell always gave us support in the Labour Party when we were combatting the Zionists and this is reminiscent of the time when, in PSC, I raised the question of 'honour' killings of Palestinian women. People need to be more open because otherwise what you end up fighting for is a State which is every bit as repressive as the Israeli State.

I call on PSC national leaders to make it clear that Gay supporters of the Palestinians are welcome to future demonstrations and that they will not tolerate attempts by bigots to suppress them.

Tony Greenstein
Brighton Unemployed Centre

tony greenstein
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Palestine Solidarity Campaign opposes homophobia

04.07.2004 12:36

I have been fighting for gay and lesbian, womens' and human rights in general for thirty-five years, including a stint in the 1970s Gay Liberation Front around the same time as Peter Tatchell. I have worked all my life in anti-racist groups. I am now a member of the Executive Committee of Palestine Solidarity Campaign. I would no more work in a homophobic organisation than a racist one. PSC is constitutionally committed to Equal Opportunity and anti-discrimination policies, and to working in support of the development of Palestinian civil society where human rights are guaranteed for ALL citizens. PSC is independent of political or religious parties, in Palestine and elsewhere, is not affiliated to the PA or any other grouping and will actively challenge all presecution and oppression. Many PSC members are gay and lesbian and let me assure all supporters of the Palestinian people's struggle for freedom and justice that we welcome all new members. PSC is simply the wrong target, and if Peter Tatchell's libellous & erroneous attacks on us deter support for our campaigns, thereby damaging the Palestinian cause in this country, that would be the real outrage.
Frankie Green

Frankie Green
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Palestine Solidarity Campign opposes homophobia

04.07.2004 14:57

"I have been fighting for gay and lesbian, womens' and human rights in general for thirty-five years, including a stint in the 1970s Gay Liberation Front around the same time as Peter Tatchell. I have worked all my life in anti-racist groups. I am now a member of the Executive Committee of Palestine Solidarity Campaign. I would no more work in a homophobic organisation than a racist one. PSC is constitutionally committed to Equal Opportunity and anti-discrimination policies, and to working in support of the development of Palestinian civil society where human rights are guaranteed for ALL citizens. PSC is independent of political or religious parties, in Palestine and elsewhere, is not affiliated to the PA or any other grouping and will actively challenge all presecution and oppression. Many PSC members are gay and lesbian and let me assure all supporters of the Palestinian people's struggle for freedom and justice that we welcome all new members. PSC is simply the wrong target, and if Peter Tatchell's libellous & erroneous attacks on us deter support for our campaigns, thereby damaging the Palestinian cause in this country, that would be the real outrage.
Frankie Green"

Frankie Green
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