at 5pm, before the main event. If you've ever wanted to learn how to build your own PC from scratch (either from new parts, saving yourself money or from reused parts, saving even more money!) then this is the place to learn. No experience required! You can even bring your own parts and we will help you to get your PC working. There will also be other stuff happening like the selling of cheap GNU/Linux CDs.

If you can help at the next benefit, please let us know on the mailing list or sign up on our wiki:

About the Hacklab
A new Media Hacklab is getting started in the east end of London. Based at the Freedom Press bookshop and social centre, it will be an open access computer lab with internet access. Going beyond the preponderance of internet cafes, a Hacklab is a political space used for alternative media, the use and development of free software and other emancipatory technologies, skill sharing and collective learning, community projects and anything else we can organise. The projects that happen there will depend on the commitment of those involved.
Media Hacklab at Freedom Press Bookshop:

Freedom Press Bookshop address: Angel Alley, 84b Whitechapel High Street, London E1 7QX. The alley is next to the KFC near Aldgate East tube, Whitechapel Art Gallery exit.
Contact us on the mailing list:

Or subscribe:

Please circulate widely.