has been replaced with the GLA Greater London Authority and Ken Livingstone Mayor of London website!
What is going on...
I am disgusted!
This was the website used for Paris, and also held some info on 2004 London ESF, and was intended to be the main website for London ESF.
Now it's hijacked by the Mayor of London! - Amazing and outrageous!
For note other sites are:
Temporary official website:
Unofficial website with lots more information, and where people are trying to organise:
Hide the following 6 comments
Seems fine
05.05.2004 11:18
didn't last long
05.05.2004 11:26
The server is Netscape-Enterprise/6.0 which is a step up from a M$ one I suppose :-) Mainly valid css and html 4. Pretty heavy use of tables.
Not actually too much there yet. Generally accessible. Minutes are in pdf and rtf.
web wanderer
old links
05.05.2004 11:35
There was useful stuff published on the old websites and links to it should still work! We must not forget the past, we can learn from it, and in this digital age it seems an easy thing to do! used to point to the final documents from Florence
web wanderer
try this
05.05.2004 12:11
Still London GLA
05.05.2004 13:07
outside uk
old site in web archive
05.05.2004 13:09
The new web hosts should add link to web archive in there error page:
One way to do it is using php:
but one can use Server Side Includes.