London Indymedia

Boycott Marks and Sparks!

Victory to the Intifada! | 12.04.2004 11:07 | Anti-racism | London

Despite more harassment from the cops, protest grows against M&S.

Sorry for the delay of this report, due to technical problems. For those following these reports last Thursday's demonstration against Marks and Spencer (Britain's biggest corporate sponsor of Israel) went ahead with more success. Upon arrival the police were out in force yet again with yet more unreasonable demands for the protesters, ranging from the use of the megaphone to having a stall etc. As always, we stood up to this nonsense and went ahead with the a successful protest.

A copper with a big phallic camera was also present yet again and went about snapping shots of demonstrators. When a Muslim protestor asked why he was having his photo taken the copper replied "because you look like a terrorist". A blatant example of the increased racism against Muslims in the country by the state and police. Every single demonstrator responded by gathering around together and shouting to the police snapper "cheese!" and "take my photo too!". The silly sod didn,t know where to look.

It was the best demo for several weeks, helped by the increasingly good weather and light and by more people on the streets, especially Arabs visiting the country. The fact that the counter demo was piddly and pathetic also was good to see.

The plight of the Palestian people is as desperate as ever and we urge all progressive people to come and join us on the open demonstration.

Protect our right to protest!
No to police harassment!
Victory to teh intifada!

Demonstrate next Thursday and every Thursday from 6 till 8pm outside Marks aand Spencer on Oxford St (Marble Arch end).

Victory to the Intifada!
- e-mail:


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spie vs spie

12.04.2004 19:51

The plot thickens with typical Mossad tactics. Supporters of israel are pretending to be anti-zionists on indymedia uk in order to get info about who the M&S zionist group is so they can then go and join it.They think they have to be anti-semitic to get information from anti zionists but by being so they are providing the paranoid zionists with more reason to be paranoid and less likely to listen to what the genuine critics of israel are saying.Its all horribly self perpetuating-rather like the occupation itself. The aggressors provide the pretext for their aggression.

Or perhaps I got it wrong and this is a double bluff

double agent

Tedious bickering

12.04.2004 19:52

This gets really tedious. You didn't need to be Inspector Poirot to know that from mel posting one it was the same old person/people responding week after week to these posts. 'mel' writes just like all the other commentators.


a - ha

13.04.2004 09:13

Great. Actions against M & S to defend the palaestinians. Question to the activists from "victory to the intifada" - do you really need to choose a type of action that resonnates strangely with last century's "don't buy from Jews" campaigns? SS in front of Jewish shops making sure that no-one goes in? Is there really no other way to support the palaestinian people against the state of Israel?


perl, nobody mentioned jews

13.04.2004 10:42

take your paranoia pills.

Supporting the right of people not to be occupied by an aggressive expansionist state with one of the most powerful militaries in the world is about as far from ressurecting Nazism as you can get.

the SS was actually largely rehired BY AMERICA to fight communists in eastern europe. Bit like they've rehired Saddam's Mukhabarat (=gestappo) in Iraq to clamp down on those stupid Iraqis who took all the talk of liberation a bit too seriously.




13.04.2004 10:43

Bloody hell, what a lot of zionists posting and trolling about! Please, keep posting, its good hear from you - its good for us all to be prepared, know your enemy and all that.

All I can add is a big shout out to the M&S demo, big up to palestinians, and big up to all of the jews who realise that the Israeli government is evil and malicious. Not every jew is a zionist, to say so would be as stupid as claiming that every british person was white. Unfortunately there are a lot of saddo zionists who like to think they're a lot more mainstream than they actually are. They must be feeling very inadequate.
Cheer up eh?



13.04.2004 11:00

If you want to know your enemy why do you always delete their posts.


zionist post

14.04.2004 00:02

It's a good thing that people like VTI do not have mainstream support. If they did we would be living in a communist police state by now!!!


Select your police state

14.04.2004 08:44

Instead of the present Neocon police state, you mean? And what precisely would be the difference?


what a pointless thread

14.04.2004 10:56

hacked to death by the prissy, politically correct & nanny knows best pen of the censor lording it over the people that actually USE this web site.

We are all adults here - if someone has something to say, let them say it, us read it and some respond to it (if they feel the need).

Dis-info will generally be corrected, bad manners will highlighted and nastyness will be counter-productive and analysed for potential appropriation and pretense ...

except that it won't because you won't see it unless someone somewhere decides for you.

absolutly fucking pointless

might as well reanimate stalin

no meaningful debate and progress can be made unless everything is on the table and everyone sees what is on the end of everyone elses fork - a naked lunch - else it's just another boring middle class lunchon

karen elliot

Re: Censorship

14.04.2004 22:09

I posted a news story about this appalling censorship, which was promptly hidden. See

If this isn't cleared up it will be the death of IMC.

mail e-mail:

What else do you expect?

18.04.2004 08:28

What else do you expect besides censorship from the facists at Indymedia.


Moan, moan, moan

18.04.2004 11:43

You haven't got a fucking clue what fascism is matey, if you think it's all about moving non-news rants from the front page to the unmoderated page on a website.

How about some NEWS on the newswire?



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