Below is the suggested letter from Mind (www.mind.org.uk) to send to your MP.
You can do this by post, email or www.faxyourmp.com
There are two Early Day Motions in Parliament at the moment about mental health issues I regard as extremely important. As my MP I request you to show your concern by supporting them.
EDM 568, tabled by Paul Flynn MP states "that this house expresses concern at the tragic deaths associated with the anti-depressant drug Seroxat and the news that GlaxoSmithKline suppressed news of two 1998 studies that demonstrated that the drug was no more effective than placebos; notes with alarm the Department of Health's view that Seroxat can make the symptoms of depression more severe and the decision of a court that Seroxat was responsible for a change in the behaviour of a man who took his own life and that of his family; and calls for a full investigation of the conduct of GlaxoSmithKline who appear to have put their private greed before public safety".
EDM 623, tabled by Keith Vaz MP states "that this House strongly condemns any form of racial abuse in the NHS mental health services; welcomes the report into the death of David "Rocky" Bennett who died in a secure unit for mental health patients in Norwich in October 1998; calls on the Secretary of State for health to take appropriate action to eliminate any form of institutional racism in the NHS mental health services; and asks him to put on record this Government's commitment to fair and equal treatment of mental health patients."
Please let me know whether you are able to support these motions and whether you have signed them.
Yours sincerely,
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