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Our War Too - Gay Heroes, and Gay Necessities

Faggots in Arms | 24.02.2004 19:14 | Anti-militarism | Gender | Social Struggles | London | World

A Gay Praise of the War Against Terror

Our War Too

Gay Heroes, and Gay Necessities

War changes everything. If there are lessons we can learn from history, this is one of them. And, above everything else, war changes the home front. It churns us all up, it scrambles social norms and makes what was once unthinkable possible. So the First World War was the critical moment for the breakthrough of the movement for women's equality, especially in Europe. The Second World War in America was perhaps the most racially integrating event in this county's history - it is no accident that only three years after it ended, racial segregation was abolished in the armed forces. And the Vietnam war also clearly turned this country's social order upside down, before it regained equilibrium.

And so this war could also do something similar. In fact, it already has. This is the first major war in which the open visible presence of gay and lesbian Americans cannot be denied. Already, the military has suspended its discharges of homosexual servicemembers, because in a war, we cannot afford the waste of resources such pointless persecution incurs. Openly gay soldiers will now fight for our freedom in a way never seen before. Now is not the time to argue for immediate changes in policy. We have a war to win. But it is a time to keep our eyes and ears open and see what these brave gay and lesbian warriors are all about. When and if this ends, we must remember them; and ensure that, when they return, they are not treated with contempt or ingratitude. The ban must not merely be suspended for the duration of this war. It must never be reinstated - and that must be a non-negotiable demand from all of us.

On the homefront, we already have heroes. These are not gay heroes. They are American heroes - who are also gay. That is the promise of this integrative moment. Let us remember Mark Bingham, a 6' 5" burly, ballsy rugby player, one of the men who, in all likelihood, wrestled a plane to the ground in Pennsylvania. He saved this country from what might have been a terrible assault on the capital. His power and courage and physical strength - his masculine virtue - did more than destroy the purpose of evil men. His valor also destroyed a stereotype in the process. Every jock in America needs to know that a brawny gay rugger player helped save this country from a calamity. No argument from anyone could be as eloquent.

Then there is Father Mychal Judge, an openly gay Catholic priest who served the men and women of New York's Fire Department. Revered by a macho subulture, fearless and strong, a man of faith and fervor, Father Mychal died in the flames of the World Trade Center doing what he has always done - tending to his flock in need. He is not a gay hero. He is an American hero who was also gay. And when this is over, let those in the Church who have done so much to create pain and hurt among good gay men and women who love their faith and serve their world, let them take stock and change their hearts. May they see that there is no contradiction between being gay and Catholic; in fact, may the Church hierarchy finally see that such people are now and always have been an integral pillar of faith and hope in the world. Father Mychal was a giant among them. We shall remember him as well.

For of all wars, this is surely one in which gay America can take a proud and central part. The men who have launched a war on this country see the freedom that gay people have here as one of the central reasons for their hatred. In their twisted perversion of Islam, these monsters believe that gay men and women deserve to be tortured and executed in hideous fashion. They murder and muzzle women; they despise and murder Jews; they demonize gays. We have rightly seen how Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson have destroyed themselves by their hatred in this moment - and we can take solace that America has repudiated their poison. But let us also remember that the men who committed this atrocity make Falwell and Robertson look mild in comparison. They are the Religious Ultra-Right, and they have already murdered us. Given the chance, they would wipe gay people from the face of the earth. To respond to that threat by cautioning peace or surrender or equivocation is to appease men who would destroy every last vestige of gay America if they could. Gay Americans should not merely support this war as a matter of patriotism and pride; they should support it because the enemy sees us as one of their first targets for destruction. These maniacs despise our freedom; they loathe our diversity; they have contempt for our culture. There is no gray here. There is simply a choice: to cower and run in fear of these monsters or to stand up with every other segment of this country - of every race and creed and gender and sexual orientation - and defeat these messengers of hate in the hope of a brighter, integrated day.

Andrew Sullivan

September 21, 2001, PlanetOut.

Faggots in Arms
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Hide the following 4 comments

what afghan kids are a threat?

25.02.2004 08:32

This is not surprising given the timing and source/consumer culture context, but it is very sad to see that "us" fags can be so stupid and naive as to call for slaughtering fellow human beings and further whip up state of war nonsense. How can he make comparisons to WWI or WWII? And was the great social surge to democracy brought about by gays fighting in Vietnam? How can the author even still believe this nonense after the daisy bombing of Afghanistan? And why is this posted here and today -- some two years later?

The most banal stupidity reigns and conspiracy theory is truth -- welcome to the 21C as brought to you by your new President of the Free World, George II. We thank his major corporate sponsors who made this decade possible....

saddened north amerikan faggot
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So What

25.02.2004 08:37


Have to confess that I read less than half of this but it sounds like a person who supports an illegal, agressive war and happens to be gay. I believe that every human being should strive for equilty for each other, however, because the US military is tolerating gay and lesbian soldiers whilst carrying out War crimes does not come across to me as progress.


Martin Dillon
mail e-mail:

human beings who just happen to be american or iraqi

25.02.2004 11:22

honestly, andrew sullivan has been peddling his crap for years now. try to come up with something new or just leave it. american war heroes, who just jappen to be gay... what about human beings who just happen to be american, or iraqi. then think if sending people to fight or be killed makes sense.

gay liberation and challenging homophobia will not be won on the dead bodies of iraqis. sort out your screwed up, self-interested, politics sullivan.

anyway, fuck liberation - queers have no rights, its all a sham. no-one has rights, in america or elsewhere, unless you're rich - what about freedom?

biblo baggins

Big Issue article

26.02.2004 16:03

This weeks issue of the BIG ISSUE has a two page article on asylum seeking lesbians
(mainly) Pages 17 & 18. Also a list of the situ's in some Arfrican countries for
LGBT people.
If you've not seen it yet, buy one from a vendor (buy one anyway).

It's a lot better than the twaddle from A S above.



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