London Indymedia


Cows arse | 20.02.2004 16:29 | Bio-technology | London | World

Over 50 Greenpeace volunteers dressed as panto cows invaded Sainsburys in Greenwich today to highlight the use of GM in animal feed by Sainsbury's - and therefore the Scary in the dairy.

Activists occupied the roof of the store, as well as locking onto the dairy desk. Cows also wondered around outside talking to the public and entertaining the police! A large inflatable milk bottle labelled, "GM MILK - Sold Here" was also inflated on the roof, and then later due to winds on the ground outside.

Noone was arrested, thought they almost froze.

This is the first in a series of actions planned by Greenpeace targetting Sainsburys. Sainsburys play a key role in how successful the commercialisation of GM miaze will be.

See for the full story plus photos.

Cows arse
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Achived what ?

20.02.2004 17:56

As commited as I am to no GM crops in the UK (I'm a 100% organic farmer) I question the effectivnes of actions such as these. All you will probably have done is annoyed a lot of shoppers. I trust you're not going with the,

"Highliting the issue" argument are you ?


Whats that under the bridge ?

20.02.2004 18:26

Ahhh Dave, I've been away but now i'm back and i sure did miss you.

>(I'm a 100% organic farmer)

No you're not. You're a full time indymedia troll.

This is the 3rd article i've looked at so far today and in ALL THREE you've been trolling.

i wonder which article i should look at next.

Too the Greenpeace cows.... well done.
Most customers arent aware of how chummy lord Sainsbury is with "our Tony" - despite often claiming that he was against GM crops.

me'thinks he may be telling porkies.



Dave on The Bilderberg Group

20.02.2004 22:11

wondering about Dave ? obviously anyone can sign in on any name but this guy seems to be a natural he sticks pretty much to the same pattern the article says white he says black and vice versa.
Bit like Monty Python without the humour , check out his profound views on the Bilderberg Group.
Perhaps he just lonely and needs some company wasn't there some other ex cop type on IMC a year or so ago. centurion, crusader no gladiator something like that .... no Harlequin , very similar style and almost identical opinion
To be honest dave, indymedia articles don’t really need comments, be good if more people added detail say like more links, better photo’s or what ever. But you don’t seem to go in for quoting your scource links..
sometimes to disprove a posting....

Bilderberg, by Dave

I can't believe you fell for it !

18.02.2004 12:32

I can't believe people are still falling for this spoof organisation and its sites that were put up some time ago. The Bilderberg Group was the creation of two students at the New York School of Journalism (Tom Waters and Ed Picket) as an experiment to see if people could be fooled and how that could be spread by the internet. It was featured in The Times and Guardian as recently as 2002.

OK believe it if you want to . . .

18.02.2004 18:00

Interesting this is exactly what the creators of the fictional "Bilderberg Group" predicted would happen. Rumour becomes fact through Internet repetition. The creation of spin off sites that "prove" what was simply made up. Picket wrote a paper for a Chicago newspaper where he estimated references to Bilderberg would be such that pictures would appear "proving" the attendence of key individuals.

It is also fun to see how the "key" figures have changes in the telling, for example it is now the Queen of the Netherlands providing the Royal interest in the original it was the King of Norway.

Perhaps in the internet we have created the ultimate Chinease Whisper full of self fullfiling theores which exist just because somebody so much wants them to be real.



What's your worry

21.02.2004 13:43

O dear Kut don't you like your cosy little views being questioned ?
Not interested in democratic debate ?
Unhappy to see wrong facts being pointed out ?

Never mind, you return to "activist" land, where marches take place, placards are painted
and authority figures are "called upon to ..." and damm all results.

So far three people have worked out who "Dave" is, I'm amazed you haven't.


Daves a farmer

21.02.2004 18:03

Dave is a farmer so of course it is highly likely he is a moron.
Fuck the farmers.
Kill the cows
Reclaim the fields
and turn up the techno


To Dave the Farmer

21.02.2004 22:07

I was one of the Greenpeace cows, and I can assure you, we entertained and informed far more customers than we annoyed. You should note that this action was intended to annoy Sainsburies, not it's customers. We weren't preventing anyone shopping, we weren't stopping people entering and leaving the store, we weren't even stopping people getting at the milk.

Highlights of the customers response included the 500 people who signed our petition, many who recorded video messages to be given to Sainsbury's, several people who upon hearing our message immediately marched back into the store and demanded a refund on their milk. A child who insisted his mother buy a bag of organic salad to "feed the cows" was one of many who was delighted by our presence,

I'm sure there were probably a handful of customers who were annoyed at us, there always were, but I didn't see any, and I saw loads who were really pleased at what we were doing.

I'm sure that Sainbury's will crumble after a few more of these actions, and that will help eleminate any demand for GM Maize before it's even planted.

A Greenpeace Cow

Stupid bastard

23.02.2004 04:10

Hey Danger, it's people like you that fucked up farming in this country. It's a proven fact that BSE was caused by cows eating drugs left by doped up left wing nihilists. At least farmers contribute something to the country, what does your kind do? Vandalise and feed drugs to children


Farmer Palmer get orf my laand

23.02.2004 12:12

"It's a proven fact that BSE was caused by cows eating drugs left by doped up left wing nihilists"

[soothingly, while backing away] Yes, of course. Suuure it is.

Now get back to sniffing silage and buggering your relations, you mud-brained yokel fuck.



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