(mon 16th feb 04)
BBC3 Digital Channel
Cyderdelic are a spoof anarcho protest band who travel about smashin' it up big time.
Some of their stuff is pretty funny it has to be said. However in their comedy they fail to make even a single concession to politics or that there is some seriousness in the issues. this has pissed a lot of people off.
They had a series on BBC 2 which included their mayday antics (check the above banner pic) . This time expect to see them at last years glastonbury (where one of them was punched in the face onstage after multiple power problems with their set), at the Evian G8 protests (where they were spotted skulking around Geneva and painting on the walls) and of course the big anti-war demos.
One of them was also punched onstage at the Reclaim The Futures Party in Feb last year - there was a big argument after that with many people shouting no violence and others happy to see them get a slap. Prior to their performance they had asked if they could film the night and were told no. They then tried to persuade indymedia folks to secretly film it for them and give them a copy! They have also on other occasions been caught with hidden cameras after being told that people didn't want them to film.
Funny? Yes.
Onside? No.
Their website is at:

(they have some pretty funny songs and video clips)
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