Meet 12 noon, Picadilly Circus, W1.
Contact number for the day: 07951 274371
Please keep this date free, and come along to this important demo.
There are hundreds of shops selling fur within a short walk of Piccadilly Circus. We will be touring the area with banners and placards, giving out leaflets and factsheets about fur to shoppers and tourists, informing them of the cruelty involved in the fur trade, and asking them to boycott shops selling fur. We will also be stopping at a number of shops and department stores en-route to hold protests and encourage them to stop selling fur. As well as the shops affected, a good turnout will send a clear message to all shops in the area that fur is not acceptable.
For further details and flyers or posters to advertise the demo, please contact:
LAA, BM 2248, London, WC1N 3XX
Ph: 0845 458 4775