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Solidarity with whitewashers from hecklers

hecklers | 04.02.2004 23:47 | Anti-militarism | London | Oxford

Oxford citizens for truth want to express their solidarity and admiration for the group (judges for justice) that whitewashed downing street today.

We were delighted to hear of the action today at Downing Street. The police and media immediately assumed we were all involved in the same Plot :)

Congratulations for a job well done, all our love and solidarity.

Let us know if there is anything we can do in the way of concrete solidarity (eg helping pay fines) by posting here.

Right now we're off to catch up on our sleep, but we will post more later (especially about how incredibly easy it is to heckle Parliament - everyone should do it).



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Belly of the beast

05.02.2004 00:54

We today decided to tell the government what they really thought of them and where better than the beast's very own lair.

With only the experience of a lifetime of ranting we caused the bulshit parliamentary debate to be closed down, and put the real issues of the war in iraq back into the minds of the media. This was the first time parliament has been successfully interupted since in 1987 the Lesbian avengers absailed from the strangers gallery.

This was really cathartic and really easy.
You just have to queue up (took about 1.30hrs), sign some form and your in.
Sit seperately and in different parts of the gallery.
Do your bit at an appropriate time- suggestion when that butcher Blair is looking smuggest.
and then get ready to drink tea and watch tele with some friendly coppa's for 4 hours.

watch out for the old men (ninjas) who run the place though, they're nutters! wear clothes you don't mind ripping and be prepared you will have no more than 30 seconds of ranting time.

Basically the legal side of things is that you are found in contempt of parliament and thus detained at the mercy of the wotzit who runs parliament. They don't charge people (well in our case anyway) coz it means a court case in the HOUSE OF LORDS.
The only thing bad is coz its not being arrested, the Human rights regulations don't apply.
Actually in our case this was great, they made us tea and were really nice and supprotive to us - there were no regulations telling them to be mean to us.
Also parliament only has one cell designed for 3 people maximum - why not bring in 30 next time??


we were gobsmacked!!!

05.02.2004 02:52

not only a brilliant sight...on BBC parliament

the sight of the true nature of MPs ...
laughing away protest and concern for liberty
in this country...

Did anyone else notice Boris Johnson of all
people giving it some real welly...

i nearly fell off me chair!!!
I think a lot of mps and councillors are getting
very concerned at the Blair junketts direction...

even Jeremy Paxman at the Beeb is
getting a bit voice-jumpy with Mike o'Brien on Newsnight...

How far is this all going to go?
as far as WE ALL LET IT!

peace and good lubk to you 'judges'...
well done

Captain Wardrobe

Here Here

05.02.2004 09:40

Parliament is one BIG joke, but nobody's laughing at the genocide in the Middle East, except the front benches.


Judges for Justice big up Oxford Hecklers

05.02.2004 16:24

Judges for Justice would like to share in the mutual admiration fest. and BIG UP the Oxford Hecklers.

We heard about your protest when we had been arrested and it kept our spirits up!

Email us at


Judges for Justice

All Rise for the Judges for Justice!

06.02.2004 00:37

Hi there Judges

Great pix of your actions in the papers today.

When did you get out, are you charged, etc? Keep us posted, and we'll support you in court, whatever.

Oxford Heckler


06.02.2004 03:34

You guys are fantastic even my mum thinks so. XX


Judges for Justice

06.02.2004 10:25

Thanks for all the support. It's good to know that there are others out there that feel the same. We are bailed to Charing Cross Police Station next week and we'll find out whether we've been charged then.

We'll keep you posted. This email is better if you want to contact us:

Would be good to hook up.


Judges for Justice

To whitewasers - Cuba thinks you guys are hard core

06.02.2004 14:57

Action even got in Cuban press - Granma international.

I love the way "throwing paint" becomes "attacked" Tony Blairs residence.



06.02.2004 22:00

Its OK to heckle the PM but not to ignore the speaker of the house. The speaker represents the Queen. I hope they've been sent to the tower, to say hello to the old torture racks. If its Ok for Saddam to use them and not be brought before justice then its alright for everyone else to use them.

The protesters should......

Run to the Hills...... Run For Their Lives........

Serious Roy


07.02.2004 11:55

Both the heckling and the whitewashing were great and gave us all a big laugh at my work. Keep it up! Lots of press coverage - although no pics on the Broken Broadcasting Corporation that I saw.

Grinning like a tiger

No pics in Public galleries

07.02.2004 13:10

Sadly it is not possible to get pics in the public galleries of parliament. The Cameras are only allowed to show the person speaking in the commons and no one is allowed to bring cameras into the gallery except official cameramen.

thus nakedness like in New Zealand was not really a possible extra.



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