Victory to the Intifada thanks all those who braved the freezing cold to lend their energy and voices to the struggle for justice for the long-suffering Palestinian people. It is ever more important that the daily atrocities carried out by the Israeli state and settlers of the West Bank and Gaza Strip against Palestinians are highlighted because the British mass media remain very one-sided in their reporting. The siege of Nablus and perpetual attacks on Rafah by the Israeli army do not receive coverage while the latest suicide bomb aimed directly at a war criminal - Ariel Sharon himself, but which failed to hit the target is splashed all over the news, closely detailing those killed to generate sympathy for Israel, and denounce the Palestinian struggle. If the Israeli abuse of and offensives against Palestinian civilians preceding this attack were analysed in the media the British public would be compelled to realise why some Palestinians take such tragic actions. Suicide and the aftermath of the New Year invasion of Nablus on Indymedia’s Website goes some way to redressing the balance of reporting. The next edition of Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! out next week further examines the situation over the last two months as well as British support for Israel’s continued annexation of the West Bank.
This week picketers of Marks and Spencer addressed these issues to the passing public, and received much support despite (or perhaps because of) the obnoxious accusations from the fascist Zionists, who hold a counter picket against us and are explicit about their aim – to shut us up and get us off the streets, that we support the murder of Jewish people. This from a group of Zionists (Betar) whose founder, Vladimir Jabotinsky, supported certain European leaders at the very times that they were committing pogroms against Jews, defended fascism and backed Mussolini. Victory to the Intifada clearly stand against all racism and welcomes people from all different nationalities, ethnicities and religions, who wish to see an end to all racism and show their solidarity with the Palestinian struggle against the racist, expansionist, oppressor state of Israel. Israel survives only through the support it receives from the imperialist nations, the US and Britain. The Zionists are well aware of this, which is why the counter picket flies the British and US flags alongside their Israeli flags.
The boycott of Marks and Spencer is part of the wider Boycott Israeli Goods campaign to undermine the Zionist regime. However, to be really effective the boycott campaign needs to target one particular company, just as Barclays was a focus against apartheid South Africa. Marks and Spencer is a British company that has a long history of supporting Zionism. The Marks family worked closely with Chaim Weizmann; M&S Chairman Israel Sieff advocated ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in 1941; and in 1999 M&S Chairman Lord Marcus Sieff expressed that ‘aiding the economic development of Israel is one of its [M&S’s] fundamental objectives.’ M&S trades with Israel more than any other single British company, to the tune of £233 million every year. It also stocks goods from the West Bank and Gaza as ‘made in Israel’. The message is clear: by shopping in M&S your money supports Israel and contributes to the suffering of the Palestinian people. It is vital that this is communicated far and wide to build this national campaign. Come and join us. The pickets are lively and varied. We have drumming, chanting, readings, poetry and lots of important information to distribute. Lend your voice to the Palestinian struggle. Every day the situation for Palestinians is getting worse so it is crucial that we stand together now to sever British support for the violent Zionist state.
Free Palestine! Victory to the Intifada! Fight Racism!Fight Imperialism!
Picket Marks and Spencer (Marble Arch end), Oxford St., London.
Every Thurs 6-8pm.