20th @7.30 PM. St. Joseph’s Catholic Church
Riverside Ploughshares Activist and Catholic Worker Sr. Susan Clarkson speaking in London on Jan. 27th. 2004 @7.30 PM. St. Joseph’s Catholic Church
1) JANUARY 20TH 2004:
International Peace activist
Ciaron O’reilly will be speaking in London on Jan.
20th. 2004 @7.30 pm
2) JANUARY 27TH 2004:
Riverside Ploughshares Activist and Catholic Worker
Sr. Susan Clarkson.
She will be speaking in London on Jan. 27th. 2004
@7.30 PM
Talks at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, Highgate Hill,
(nearest tube Highgate Station, turn left out of
station and walk up or take bus up Highgate hill to
top –church on left)


For further details contact Scott on mob. 07941773542
or 01727 760953
1) Ciaron will be speaking on the Catholic Worker and
his recent pit stop ploughshares action at Shannon
airport. Ciaron O'Reilly (42) is an Irish Australian.
He is presently working at a homeless shelter in
Dublin and is long time Catholic Worker and
non-violent resister. He was a member of the "ANZUS
Ploughshares" which disarmed a B-52 Bomber in upstate
New York during the 1991 Gulf War. He was also a
member of the "Jabiluka Ploughshares" that disabled
uranium mining equipment in the Northern Territory of
Australia in 1998. He will soon be facing trial for
the Pit Stop Ploughshares action at Dublin Four Courts
in Ireland.
2) Susan will be speaking on the Catholic Worker and
her Recent Ploughshares action in the U.S.
On Sunday, May 25 2003 at about 4:00 PM the Riverside
Ploughshares group went aboard the warship USS
Philippine Sea. They poured their blood on the missile
hatches and hammered a message of protest on the
containers that hold Tomahawk Cruise Missiles. As they
knelt on top of the hatches, Mark Colville held up
pictures of Iraqi children who had been injured and
maimed by U.S. weapons. Mark read their statement and
Brian Buckley unfurled their banner which read,
"Riverside Ploughshares: Disarm and Choose Life."
Sister Susan Clarkson and Joan Gregory were together
with Mark and Brian in this vanguard protest.