London Indymedia

Ken Livingstone kills the poor

.. | 23.12.2003 12:55 | London

Free entreprise under dynamic mayor Ken Livingstone makes London a world financial centre - by killing the weak.

Before and since his election, Ken Livingstone has stood solidly behind the principle that London's economy is a free market economy, and that this economy is the source of London's prosperity. London is a market society, open to creation of wealth by entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs create wealth for themselves and their investors by harming others, and the weakest suffer the most harm.

The death of an elderly couple in South London after the disconnection of their gas supply illustrates the principle of the free market. The company does not supply gas on the basis of necessity or justice, but to make a profit. No payment, no gas, freeze to death. The company tried to blame the data Protection Act - as if that makes it ethical to cut off the heating for people in their 80's. The company acts according to the principles of the free market, and Ken Livingstone wants those principles to determine the nature of London society.

Not two, but thousands of people die each winter in Britain from cold-related illness. Warm and comfortable housing is available in London, but it is occupied by the rich. The average house price in Kensington and Chelsea is £ 642,483. Ken Livingstone refuses absolutely to redistribute warm housing to those who need it. He finds it morally better, that people should die of the cold in badly-insulated housing, than that the property rights of the rich should be infringed.

Livingstone is an evil man. He believes, like Tony Blair, that the death and suffering of the weak has a moral value - because it contributes to the success of the nation, and the success of London as a financial centre.



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Misuse of language

23.12.2003 14:22

It is NOT useful to misuse language when that prevents us from understanding the nature of the evil we wish to oppose. YOU might wish to equate two evils, A and B, and not make any distinction between them. But the doer of B, being acused of A, justifiably denies your argument. Well you don't care about HIS objection (he's evil) but how about the NEUTRAL observer. That person also sees you making a false claim and concludes your are off your nut.

You need to ADD something here, need to add a statement of principle, one that is NOT universally accepted and in fact one which precisely defines the difference between Ken's way of thinking and yours.

Ken denies that he has any RESPONSIBILTY for the fate of the poor. That is NOT the same as killing them but simply the denial of any reason why HE (or people who think that way) need be concerned whether they live or die. Ken PROBABLY has no objection if you or others (whom he would call "do gooders") are moved to help the poor. He would consider your charge against him silly unless he were in some way acting to prevent YOU from keeping these poor people alive.

You, on the other hand, do feel that we have a responsibility for each other's welfare (and I might agree with that). MAKE THAT CLEAR. It is NOT a concept that is universally accepted. Ken doesn't accept it, and apparently not a whole bunch of other people in your society or else you wouldn't have poor old people dying like that. It's the attitude "not MY problem" that we need to fight against.

mail e-mail: stepbystepfarm

Secret Fascists in the Labour Party.

24.12.2003 18:53

Secret fascists in the Labour Party are terrified that Livinstone will return, and that the Thatcherism of new Labour will be undone.

Why else this scurrilous attack on Livinstone? Why is it not hidden? is .., a BNP or New Labour member? Which one do you think represents the more dangerous Fascist?



24.12.2003 23:52

... didn't that twat livingstone want the pigeons in trafalgar square got rid of? Fuck him!

Animal lib

Ken's penises

01.01.2004 19:06

If we needed more evidence of Ken's love affair with Global Capital just look at the ever growing London skyline.
Livingstone has enthusiastically endorsed nearly every proposed grand phallic symbol to shaft our wonderful city.
This has even been at the cost of valuable community assets such as old Spitalfields market in east London and Ken is right behind the City of London's push eastwards into Tower Hamlets.
At the same time he has done naff all to ease London's property crisis apart from supporting a derisory allocation of so-called 'affordable housing' that would only be affordable to his grossly over-paid staff.
Look out for Ken boasting about how many affordable homes have been built since he became mayor- built as part of the planning gain produced by the gleaming new skyscrappers he so loves.
How about setting maximum rent levels in London.
How about building some proper public housing instead of glass gerkins and testicles.

If Ken loves the Manhattan skyline so much why doesn't he run for Mayor of New York.

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