5 Anti capitalist prisoners, inprisoned on false charges in Greece are on hungerstrike demanding their release on bail.
Carlos, Fernando and Spiros have now been moved to Nikeas hospital in Athens. The others are in Koridallos prison where they can recieve mail at-
Kratoumeno (prisoners name here)
Fylakes Koridallos
Athens, Greece
(put a return address on the back of the envelope or it won't get through)
An appeal for bail on humanitarian grounds was refused on Monday 24t November, so things are looking pretty grim at the present time, and more pressure is needed on the Greek Authorities.
Please write to the Greek Embassy at-
Embassy of Greece
1a Holland Park
If any of the hungerstrikers falls into a coma or dies there will be a demo at 4pm the same day at the
Greek Tourist Board
4 Conduit St (off Regents St)
(Or organise your own event if you live outside London)
A phone tree is being set up to relay emergency information quickly. If you want to be on it email your phone number to this address. (Mobile is best as we can send mass texts easily)

Your Solidarity is badly needed
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