Anarchist Thugs Plot a Bush Demo Bloodbath
Daily Mail
Friday November 14th 2003
by David Williams
Chief Reporter
ANARCHISTS are planning to hijack the anti-war demonstrations during George Bush's visit to Britain and bring violence to the streets.
American and British intelligence has revealed how a hardcore of anarchists from across Europe are using an anti-globalisation gathering in Paris to finalise their actions.
Some 700 activists from Britain have travelled to the french capital to help coordinate the mass demonstrations.
anti-capitalist hardliners... ...will try to carry out the kind of violence that scarred London during the May Day march three years ago.
One plan is for thousands of protestors to storm the grounds of Buckingham Palace...
Some organisers fearing trouble are said to have privately passed to police details of those they suspect might try and hijack their protests...
...snip website communication has been scrapped... instead... text messages on 'pay as you go' mobile phones and password protected e-mnail groups.
One planned method of protest is for protesters to pelt the presedential party with bananas...
Police spotters on both sides of the Channel have begun monitoring those travelling to Britain to identify known anarchists...
Two Italian-based groups, Ya Bast (enough is enough) and Tutte Bianche (all whites), both with a reputation for violence, have some 250 supporters on their way to Britain.
...300 French men and women... 200-300 are expected to travel from Germany...
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