Join us and keep our opposition to GM on the
agenda when Bush visits the UK this month.
We currently have about half the number the 60 people
needed to spell out this message and so if you are
considering participating please sign up now.
Several people have asked about the legal issues and
chances for being arrested at this event. To be quite clear
I have no intention of creating a situation where we are at
risk from arrest. It is true that this event is different
from previous ones as in the past we have done it on private
land so there have been no legal issues. This one is more
public so there is an element of risk but my view is that
the risk is small for a number of reasons:
• The exact location is being kept secret until we are
assembled so there should be no reason for word to leak out
and enable police to be waiting for us. If police are there
then we can easily go to an alternative location.
• We will be dresssed and gone before any police even turn up
• We will only be naked for a few mins
• Experience of people being naked in London in the past is
that police will ask you to get dressed which we already will be
• we will have press there. The police are unlikely to want
to be filmed trying to arrest naked people who are trying to get dressed!
This comment below is from Vincent Bethell who is a campaigner for naked rights:
"If the police try and stop your public nakedness, in London
the police always use a law called the Public Order Act
1986. Section 5 of this Act of Parliament prohibits
threatening, insulting, abusive, or disorderly behaviour to
cause harassment, alarm, or distress.
The police powers of arrest police relating to this Act of Parliament state
that: arrest is only legal after the
officer has given you a warning to stop your disorderly
behaviour and you have disregarded that warning, thus if you
don't want to get arrested you simply put your clothes on
when the police give you the Section 5 warning."
I hope that this reassures you and that you will join us
For more details and to sign up here

Be brave and join us!
Questions? Please email or call

tel: 07974 924 289