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Bush UK Visit 'Exclusion Demands' Spark Protest

Nomad | 11.11.2003 15:58 | Bush 2003 | Anti-militarism | Free Spaces | Globalisation | London

President Bush may be subjected to the humiliating sight of an effigy of himself being dragged to the ground by anti-war protesters in London's Trafalgar Square next week.

President Bush may be subjected to the humiliating sight of an effigy of himself being dragged to the ground by anti-war protesters in London's Trafalgar Square next week.

But if police and White House officials have their way, the president, who had the staunch support of Britain's Prime Minister during the Iraq war, will be spared the embarrassment of seeing a re-run of the toppling of Saddam Hussein's statue during the Iraq war.

British police refuse comment on media reports of demands by White House security staff for vast central London exclusion zones for Bush's trip, which starts next Wednesday and will be the first official visit to Britain by an American president since that of Ronald Reagan in 1982.

But they are well aware that at the height of the global war on terror, the prospect of having Bush, Prime Minister Tony Blair and Queen Elizabeth in the same place at the same time presents a tempting target for would-be attackers.

With all police leave canceled, up to 100,000 protesters vowing to take to the streets and Blair himself trying to quash anti-Bush rhetoric, London's Metropolitan police commissioner admits the visit presents an "unprecedented" challenge.

"It's going to be a big test for the Met in terms of what we have to do to prevent an attack on the president, any member of the royal family and any member of the cabinet," said a spokeswoman for Scotland Yard police headquarters.

"We have to balance preventative measures with allowing people to demonstrate in a peaceful manner."

Blair used a keynote foreign policy speech on Monday to urge protesters to see both sides of the argument over Iraq.

"Protest if you will. That is your democratic right," he said. "Attack the decision to go to war, but have the integrity to realize that without it, those Iraqis now tasting freedom would still be under the lash of Saddam Hussein."


But anti-Bush and anti-war campaigners are furious at what they fear are police plans to stop their protest -- slated for November 20 -- from marching through Whitehall and Parliament Square, the seat of Britain's government.

"It is an outrage that the most unwelcome guest this country has ever received will be given the freedom of the streets while a movement that represents majority opinion is denied the right to protest in...the heart of government," said Lindsey German, a spokeswoman for the Stop the War Coalition.

"It's completely unacceptable. I don't see why the White House should be able to determine how, where and when people protest in this country."

A poll in Tuesday's Times newspaper showed 60 percent of British voters strongly disapprove of Bush's handling of Iraq -- and that anti-Bush feeling is particularly high among women.

The spectacle of Bush arriving with an entourage of up to 250 secret service agents, 15 sniffer dogs and handlers, 50 White House political aides, two motorcades of up to 20 armored vehicles each, as well as at least three aircraft and even his own personal cook, is unlikely to increase warmth toward him.

Police are torn between allowing large and potentially embarrassing protests to go ahead, and clamping down on protestors and risking a backlash.

They had to apologize for their tactics during Chinese President Jiang Zemin's visit in 1999 when police forced back pro-Tibet protestors and confiscated banners and flags.

Media reports say officers policing the Bush visit have been warned not to be heavy handed and allow protesters to voice their opinion of Bush with slogans and chants if they want to.

Protesters say they are in constant dialogue with police, but also say Blair's government must reap what it has sown.

"There wouldn't be a problem if they hadn't invited George Bush -- who must be one of the most unpopular people in this country -- on a state visit," said German. "Now they are going to have to face the consequences."



Hide the following 9 comments


11.11.2003 17:57

Special award to the first person to test whether the US flags hanging in the Mall are combustible.


Super Special Award For Person Who...

11.11.2003 19:35

Hey there!

I'll give a super special award to the person who slaps Bush, The Queen or Blair around the face in public.

The award? I'll let them do me wherever and whenever they please. Who could refuse this 5 ft 8, slim, attractive princess? Sooooo boys, do your thing and give those bastards a good slapping.


Pies for Peace to the Pretzel & his Toad

11.11.2003 20:41

Grand Prize to the person(s) courageous enough to "pie" the 2 War Criminal candidates, America's KGB(king george bush)and his Poodle, Tony the Toad. That'll be a fitting "collateral damage" to the unwelcome visit by the Chickenhawk Chief to his Running Dog servant at #10 Downing Street.

Pie Lover

Cash reward for whoever makes the real hit

11.11.2003 23:34

I'll personally put up all my savings for whoever blows him away.

Anyone else want to contribute some cash incentive (as if one was needed)?

If we all have a whip round, we could get a pro in.


Exclusion Zone Latest

12.11.2003 00:20

It's been anounced late tonight that the Central Exclusion Zone will mean that no person, never mind protestor, will be allowed in Parliament Square, Parliament Street, Whitehall, St. James's, The Mall and Birdcage Walk.

Bush and co. are pressing for Trafalgar Square and Green Park to be shut down also. I find it disgusting that we won't get near the bastard!!

In that case, we ought to go all out and riot with these bastards. A full on Rodney King style rioting will beat the bastards into submission. How dare Bush and co. attempt to come to this country and dictate to us how things will be. He should not be protected from any protest be it violent or non-violent. Don't you all find it strange that the police should assist and help protestors a few years back when Japan's Emperor Hirohiki came to this country on his State Visit?

I would gladly help in getting a pro in to do the job. How much do they charge?


that exclusion zone...

12.11.2003 01:17

no good being held back and outta sight 3 miles away.

perhaps fireworks are a good idea?......


Ban on posters

12.11.2003 11:22

I have recived news that edinburgh university has banned the stop bush posters from its buildings under the excuse that it could inciet students to committ an assasination on the first chimp ,Well done ED UNI and hail to the chimp!

rupert the bliar


12.11.2003 15:32

regardless of what "exclusion zones" are established, we THE PEOPLE can and MUST take Trafalgar Square!

By what right does Tony Blair, the ass-kissing sycophant, have to EXCLUDE the citizens from our own city!!!

the outrage!!!

do you feel it BURNING IN YOUR EARS!

Take TRAFALGAR SQUARE and to hell with these fascist police state tyrants! To hell with the lot of them, if they think we are just some blinking idiots to be shoved out of our own streets!

Will they shove us out of our homes next!

Into the sea!

We must take a stand to stop Bush - Blair and all rotten dictators from destroying our country and our lives!

note from our sponsor

dress up for the big day

12.11.2003 16:00

If youre going to protest you should all dress up. As was written in the grauniad today if there is a protest with a few thousand pierced hippies bush really wont be worried. If however we can show thousands of average middle class, respectable (looking) people being driven to acts of protest that they would never normally contemplate (such as the million man march before the war where people from every section of socity participated) Bush will be shit scared. We got to get this image of thousands of good upstanding citizens being driven to madness by the rage within, and its got to get on the US news.

So no matter who you are put your suit and tie on, get your twinset and pearls out and give that idiot the reception that he deserves

cup of tea anyone?



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