Bush's arrival into the country.
Please circulate this widely.
On Wednesday 19th November, George Bush comes to town. To give him an
appropriate welcome, we're throwing a street party! Bring music, bring costumes, bring agit-prop, bring bikes...most importantly, bring yourself
and all your mates! This event has been called because of the lack of any
really festive action on the 'day of civil disobedience' against George
Bush's state visit to Britain...we want to show the world, once again, that
it is possible (and desirable) to protest and cause disruption while having
fun at the same time. As always, this action will only work if people bring
their own ideas and their own desires....there ain't no leaders in a
(street) party!
The time will be 12 noon on Wednesday 19th November. The place is to be
confirmed....but Central London needs a good dose of old-fashioned samba, we
After the party there will also be a picket of the ESSO building on the
Aldwych, near to the London School of Economics, starting at 4.30 pm. These
corporations feed off of George Bush's presidency like vultures around
a corpse...but they'll find out that we are everywhere, and we're not going away!
For further details, contact

These events are being co-ordinated by a loose affiliation of grassroots
People and Planet groups, the Young Greens, and Student Action...but we
want everyone to get involved.
See you on the streets.
With love,
Sambistas against Bush!