main message (gr stencil from resist.org.uk)
another way of putting it, erm...
To collectively voice our displeasure at the impending arrival of George W Bush in the UK and in doing so either sour the experience or prevent his arrival.
George W. Bush has already cancelled one visit to this country because he felt more than a little unwelcome. Our aim is to give the man the bum's rush before he even arrives and/or show him exactly what we think of him in the finest British tradition.
George Bush is unlikely to walk around the streets kissing babies because of the large number of people that wish to blow him up. However, a 'Brits love Bush' photo-op of happy crowds greeting the man may be in the offing and it's vitally important that we rob him of such a lucrative propaganda device. By attending such gatherings (by accident or design) and ensuring that you bare your buttocks as he passes by, you either render any photos taken at that moment unusable or make a very clear indication of what Britain thinks of this bigoted warmonger.
Your Role
There are several levels of involvement to suit a number of personal situations and comfort levels. They are listed below.
Baring Your Bum
If you hear of a visit to your part of town or happen to see George W Bush, bare your arse in his general direction. Don't be afraid to wiggle it about a bit and maybe even spread your cheeks; this is a political statement you're making and you don't want to do things by halves, now do you?
Threatening To Bare Your Bum
Write to your chosen local, national or foreign newspaper and inform them that you, as a British citizen, fully intend to do your civic duty and bare your arse at George W Bush. In this same letter, you may also wish to call upon other readers to do the same.
Don't wait for the official visit; get typing and do this now. With any luck, Georgie will hear of the unwelcome reception that awaits him and decide to stay at home.
A series of links to the contact pages for major newspapers appears on the website to aid you in your quest. If you make it to print, please do send us a clipping for the scrapbook.
Using a More Modest Approach
If you're too shy to bare your arse or have any kind of difficulty in the trouser department, you may choose instead to use one of our posters and wave it in his general direction instead. (If this poster is not to your taste, there is a wide selection of alternatives available at waketheworld.org)
UPDATE - A flashmob/blogmeet is being planned for a mass mooning of George W Bush. This will probably take place outside the Houses of Parliament, as Dubya will more than likely be invited to address the House of Lords (he may not see it, but dozens of attending press photographers will).
So, we could be mooning the palace en masse. Or not. A mass-mooning may very well clash with the fine (and rather more restrained) actions of the Stop the War Coalition. I'd like to avoid that, if at all possible.
A vast amount of money is bound to be spent protecting our illustrious visitor from embarrassment. The Met did a very good job of ensuring, during the most recent worldwide peace marches, that London was the only city not to host a protest outside the U.S. Embassy. We should expect a similar level of police involvement (and harassment) this time around.
We should also expect less than fair treatment at the hands of certain media owners, most notably Rupert 'The Evil One' Murdoch.
Still, even if the threatened action leads to massive protective cordons and we don't get anywhere near The Unworthy One, this will be a victory in itself. There will be no happy crowds to greet George W. Bush.
Also, rather than staging a mass-mooning, we may very well get by with rolling guerrilla action if awareness continues to spread at the rate it has been. Right now I'm quietly thinking up plans along these lines.
Many people have signed up for the alert list, ready and willing to bare their bums for the nation. Please feel free to join us.
ALERT LIST - If you would like to receive information the moment we have a clear idea of dates/times/plans, send an email to bums AT bloggerheads DOT com to go on the alert list....
When George W. Bush visits Britain, it will be important to both Bush and Blair that any dissent be given close to zero visibility. The 'security' operation surrounding him (paid for by UK taxpayers) will therefore be geared mostly to keeping protestors at a distance.
There will also be the usual level of media collusion. Throwing the police against us works particularly well on this front. We either allow ourselves to be contained or risk being portrayed as violent nutbags.
This being the case, the following strategy has been laid out for British citizens who wish to let the world know what we, as a country, object to George W. Bush being invited to these shores as an honoured guest.
These activities have been laid out in a rising scale from Lightweight to Heavyweight. How you choose to approach the matter will depend on your general availability/locale and the strength of your conviction.
Speaking of conviction, you should be aware that police are going to be rather toey during the visit. Even some of the Lightweight activities could see you arrested for a breach of the peace. If you look like you present any threat to the reputation of George W. Bush, you are also likely to be searched and/or taken into custody (probably under anti-terrorism legislation) or hemmed in and illegally detained (in the interests of 'public safety').
You need to be a aware of these risks, but you also need to be aware that many of these risks exist in order to discourage you and others from taking action that is well within your rights.
Make Yourself Available
The visit has been planned for midweek - Wednesday 19th November to Friday 21st November - in order to reduce the potential number of protestors. Details of the itinerary are sure to be vague and misleading to further reduce the possibility of George W. Bush being confronted directly by coordinated action. To counter this, you need to be in or near London, and you need to be available to move at a moment's notice. Booking time off work in advance will greatly reduce complications.
Write Letters
Write a letter to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth (who made the invitation) and send an email to Tony Blair (who almost certainly arranged it). Let them know that you're less than happy.
In the weeks leading up to the visit, write a letter to any of these newspapers to voice your displeasure (not all of them are likely to print such letters, but we live in hope):
UK Newspapers - Contact/Editorial Links
Express | FT | Guardian | Independent | Mail, Evening Standard and Metro | Mirror | Sun | Telegraph
US Newspapers - Contact/Editorial Links
Boston Globe | Economist | LA Times | New York Times | Washington Post | Washington Times | The Weekly Standard | USA Today
Lightweight Division:
Don't be put off by the name. We need happy, normal-looking people who can pass by the police cordon and enter exclusion zones. If you've never taken part in a protest in your life, then this option is probably best for you. Attend. Dress nice. Smile. Mingle. Carry nothing but a plan, and be ready to do any of the following:
'Boo' at Bush
It's quick, easy, infectious... and boy, it'll make you feel good. Wait for him to pass and let rip. If enough secret squirrels attend, the booing will be loud and clear. If not, at least you will have learned that there's something fundamentally wrong with the universe and know that next time firmer action will be called for.
Turn Your Back on Bush
This is the most reserved gesture you can make, but it has dignity and is unlikely to draw the ire of any rabid Bush-supporters that may be in attendance. Wait for him to approach and simply turn slowly but deliberately in the opposite direction, showing him your back. This will show an adequate level of disrespect and make it easier for you to spot potential snipers.
Flip the Bird at Bush
I think I saw in a movie somewhere that a raised middle finger is regarded to be an insult in some parts on the United States. Wait for Bush to pass, and present this gesture in a subtle yet visible manner. Waving fingers above your head and screaming obscenities is sure to get you shunted to the back, so make it clear and firm, but play it close to the chest. The ideal result you want from this is a dynamite photo courtesy of the attending press.
Middleweight Division:
Bare Your Bum at Bush
The baring of buttocks (or 'mooning') is a show of defiance that's as old as civilisation itself. It's not without its legal risks (and there is going to be a considerable nip in the air), but done as a lone act of defiance it can bring a great deal of satisfaction. When done with friends, it enhances the power of your statement and creates a bond that you will share forever. If you do plan on a single moon, be prepared to hit and run. If you plan on a group mooning, keep it to a select group of friends and don't announce or discuss details of your plans on public websites or message boards. According to some reports, police have Interwebnet access too.
Heavyweight Division:
Join a Formal Protest
The Stop the War Coalition is planning a range of activities that will take place throughout the visit. I would urge anybody who still believes in the effectiveness of traditional forms of protest to attend these events and swell their numbers - just be aware that if you are carrying a placard or carrying any anti-war paraphernalia you are unlikely to get within two blocks on the George W. Bush. You are also likely to be harassed, photographed and possibly illegally detained by the police. Blair may spout rubbish about us being lucky that we live in a democracy that 'allows' us to protest, but the truth is that his government has used extremely questionable techniques to undermine and inhibit our right to do so.
(During the DSEi protest, dozens of people were searched and two were arrested under the Terrorism Act. During the worldwide peace protest in March 2003, London was the only city in the world not to host a protest outside a US embassy. Take a look at how this was achieved and try to calculate what the cost was to taxpayers merely to help Bush save face.)
But police aren't the only weapon at the government's disposal; we also have certain media owners to worry about. Staunchly pro-Blair/Bush newspapers and TV stations will do their best to belittle or demonise protestors. This being the case, as the instigator of the Bare Your Bum at Bush campaign, I would politely ask those who attend a formal protest to keep their buttocks under wraps at all times. Mooning in such circumstances does little good (you won't get anywhere near Bush) and plays right into the hands of scumbags like Rupert Murdoch.
If you wish to declare your allegiance to the Bare Your Bum at Bush movement without compromising the good work of more legitimate organisations, then please do feel free to use one of our posters...