The Anarchist Workers Network will be 'officially' launched at this years
Anarchist Bookfair on October 25th.
The AWN meeting is at 2.00 pm in Meeting Room 3C, ULU, Malet Street,
London. Membership of the AWN is open to anarchists and other anti-authoritarian
libertarians. So get yourselves along there.
The workplace is an arena where we have the chance to change society.
Trade unions ought to be a radical force for social change. And for all
their many weaknesses over seven million British workers belong to reformist
unions like Unison, RMT, GMB and T&G.
Industrial action is at its highest level since the miner’s strike. Industrial
militancy is on the rise. Workers are angry; wildcat strikes are back.
Bosses steal our pensions. They make us sweat while awarding each other
massive fat cat salaries. We are exploited for their profit. Unions –
even those led by so-called left wing general secretaries - have failed
to build on this mood of anger. They demand marginal reforms that change
nothing. They hand over millions of pounds each year to New Labour even
though it's the bosses’ friend.
Anarchists know the importance of industrial organisation. But while
anarchism and anarchists have been at the heart of the anti-capitalist
movement, we have not spread the anti-capitalist message to working people.
We need to link up and support each other - in our unions and workplaces.
We need to push for union’s to disaffiliate from New Labour. We need
to make the case for anarchist methods of running industry and society.
We need to organise solidarity for workers in struggle.
As anarchists we recognise the many weaknesses of the official trade
union movement, but we cannot ignore that millions of working class people
belong to unions.
The Anarchist Workers Network is being set up with a number of aims:
To provide a means for anarchists in individual unions or industries
to link up and support each other (including unemployed or retired workers).
To coordinate campaigns like disaffiliation from New Labour.
To raise awareness of anarchist methods of organising society and industry.
To circulate and share news, advice and information.
Supporting workers in struggle.
AWN will be a network not an organisation, a means of bringing anarchists
together. It will work alongside and with the anarchist national federations.
Do you agree with this? Then get in touch!
To get involved on the internet you can access our egroup and discussion
boards via the AWN website:

If you want to join the AWN please send a slip of paper with your name,
address, email address, union and occupation (e.g. RMT, Rail worker)
and your subs (see below) to the following address:
Anarchist Workers Network (AWN)
c/o 84b Whitechapel High Street
London E1 7QX
Subs (per year) are as follows: £5 high wage, £2 low wage/part time and
free for unemployed or disabled workers. Cheques payable to ‘AWN’ please.
Find out about the Anarchist Workers Network (AWN) at our website: