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Pope Close to Death...Fears of Successor

Martin J McCluskey | 03.10.2003 00:39 | Culture | London | World

As the pope allegedley nears death, should we concerned about the possible successor?

Cardinal Ratzinger
Cardinal Ratzinger

I'm not entirely sure about the relevance of this subject on a site like this, but I think this is an issue that should be brought to people's attention.

Earlier tonight, several vatican sources clammered to dispel rumours in the media that the Pope was "dying". This led me to think about possible successors and - in particular - Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger; a man whose name has appeared increasingly recently as one of the Pontiff's closest aides and a possible successor. The entire world has reason to fear this man. He is currently head of the Church's "Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith", a body set up in 1524 under a name that most people will recognise "The Sacred Congregation of the Universal Inquisition". Yes...the Inquisition lives.

Let's take a look at some of Ratzinger's views. Firstly, homosexuality and gay rights. Homosezuality is - according to the German cardinal - a "tendency" towards "intrinsic moral evil". Hmmm... Next, the reforms of the Second Vatican Council in the 60s he described as "wild excesses" and the end of the Latin mass a "tragic breach" in tradition. Most shocking is perhaps his views on other religions. Buddhists have an "autoerotic spirituality" that "offers transcendence without imposing concrete religious obligations"...Hinduism offers "false hope" it guarantees "purification" based on a "morally cruel" concept of reincarnation resembling "a continuous circle of hell". He also predeicted that Buddhism would replace Marxism as the RC Church's main enemy in this century. Allegedley, Ratzinger is also a member of the influential Opus Dei group - a right wing faction in the Church that aided the downfall of socialism in Russia and continues to fund anti-Castro campaigns.

I don't intend for this discussion to spiral out of control into a flaming of the Catholic Church - far from it. As a Catholic myself, I know there is a lot of good (and, unfortunately, some bad) in the institution. What I'm trying to highlight here is the possibility of a Pope who is somewhere further right of Ghengis Khan. The thought, personally, terrifies me...

Martin J McCluskey
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how can this possibly worry you ?

03.10.2003 00:59

Surely, if you are a Roman catholic, you must believe that the choice of Pope is divinely inspired ? If so, how can you believe God could make a wrong or bad choice?
If, like the rest of us, you believe he is just chosen by a group of blokes to be their leader, using all the same old bargaining, politics, compromises, and quite possibly making a bad choice, then surely - you are not (or should not be) a Roman Catholic?

Have I misunderstood something ? Can you explain the point of joining that religion if you don't believe the Pope to be divinely inspired and chosen ?

No sarcasm - just interested.

slightly surprised

Another pope bites the dust?

03.10.2003 01:14

Hinduism offers "false hope" it guarantees "purification" based on a "morally cruel" concept of reincarnation resembling "a continuous circle of hell".

here, here

Also buddha replacing marx, ha ha, both concepts make about as much sense as each other! A natural progression .. This guy knows that the comfortable, middle class of earth are happily blindfolded good and proper and will naturally make the next 'regurgitated' meaningless choice of belief.

The guys got a good sense of humour though and he's read his books! ;)

All said and done .. Death to Religion! Humanity will never be with liberty until the last walls of the temple and the church are destroyed!


Opus Dei

03.10.2003 02:08

Opus Dei are an extremely vile group who support facist dictators, most notably Franco from Spain.


Its just another front

03.10.2003 08:53

Oh you foolish people cant you see that the whole catholic religion is just another front for those swp people and next in line to replace the pope when he kicks the
bucket is none other than that chris bamberry. Now tht will be dangerous,Campaigns to sell the catholic voice all over the world will increase ,you will see lots of students
joining up to become priests.
The only hope is to join my splinter sect of protestants we can save you from these paper worshiping fakers, My religion is right.

john knox

It will have some efect...

03.10.2003 11:17

This is important because millions of people particulary in the developing world, follow this religion. If this man becomes Pope and he has extreme views, such as those on homosexuality, that will have a major impact on the treatement of gays, etc in those countries. Just as John Paul's views on abortion have had a negative impact on womens lives around the world.

BTw, I'm not religious, but the Catholic church still has much more influence, than any left-wing sect.



03.10.2003 16:10

Downfall of socialism in Russia??? You're a Stalinist? If you look it up I think you'll find that Stalin and this successor shared many of the same views.


Shut up lefty fundamentalist

03.10.2003 16:55

Soviet Communism was a form of socialism - just like the Labour Party and anarchism; just as the maddest snake-handling and the wussiest tea-drinking Anglicanism are both forms of Christianity.

Socialism is a massive and broad school of political thought and theory, not a single system.

Don't fall into the narrow-minded trap, no matter how shit Stalinism was.


One less paedophile

03.10.2003 23:53

Why not all you idiots shut up and rejoice?


when they change the figure of authority at one of the worl libraries

04.10.2003 13:55

i take note.
I took note when Alexandria was burnt.
I took note when Bagdad was ransacked.
I take note of the V.

Now I would like though not a catholic just
like a libertarian anarkisty if the people of the smoke
would select someone who honoured the ban on genetic modification.

And left all those lovely books in safer hands than they are now.
or look like there going to be.

Oh and Leondardo Boff and the liberation theology of Brazil
needs to be thought of too.

Oh and Hans Küng and the search for ethical and spiritual
discourse between Christians and Muslims will probably
spark an album of techno music or two.

Take note.
¿or are you too "X-ian" @ kernal?



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