First 2 clips are MPEG1 format and will play on any computer with nothing extra needed. 3'rd clip allows you to go on a virtual reality tour of the crowds in the square but you need Quicktime 6 installed.
MPEG1 aerial view of start of march in Hyde Park
- video/mpeg 1.1M
MPEG1 360 degree view of crowd in Trafalgar Sq
- video/mpeg 474K
Click and drag in Quicktime movie window for virtual reality effect.
- video/quicktime 581K
Second clip is a quick 360 degree spin around the crowds in Trafalgar Sq where the march ended with speeches.
Third clip allows you to go on your own virtual reality tour of the crowds. Click and drag within the movie window for a spacey effect. You must have Quicktime player 6 or higher installed for this to work. Download it from here:

Unfortunately it's a 10 meg download which is a bit of an ordeal for dial-up users. If the movie shows as a flurry of frames then your version of quicktime is too old. Also Alternative Quicktime from:

doesn't seem to play VR movies yet?