Hello everybody !
The next European Social Forum will take place in Paris from the 12th to
15th of November 2003. On this occasion there will be a temporary open
for alternative medias to experiment and confront, at the " Maisons des
M鴡llos " (11th to 16th of november).
The " Metallos Medialab " will be the opportunity for independent
media-activists to expose their achievments, to share common
experiences, to
meet activists, to exchange practical knowledges. But it will be also a
opportunity to take stock of the European situation so as to draw common
initiatives and strategies at a European scale. During this meeting
will be various workshops, and plenary sessions. Technical equipment
such as
rooms, WiFi, projections, computers will be available.
=> La Maison des M鴡llos, 94, rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud, Paris Xi譥 /
Metro station : " Couronne " or " Parmentiers " .
=> The final program will be available soon online :

All the European alternative medias are invited to come and propose
workshops, conferences or debates themes.
Inside this meeting, Zalea TV is calling for a big gathering of european
alternative TVs.
All free European TVs are invited. (Unfortunately we don’t have the
money to pay for transportation fees.)
Each organisation will be invited to present itself during the first
plenary meeting, on the 11th of november. This global balance-sheet will
be the base for the
following discussions and will allow to build links between free TVs.
We propose each organization come along with samples of its programs, to
make the presentations easier. Bring up as many as you want, fro
projections or
After a few days of meetings, projections, exchanges of adresses and
projects, a second plenary meeting will be held (on Sunday the 16th) to
draw up a common
text, at the same time Manifesto of the European free TVs and call for
the organisation of States-general founding a European Free TVs
Coordination (in
around 8 month for example), for which we should ensure to have enough
money for everybody to come and take part . This European Charter will
be both the
basis of these States General and a kind of draft pointing out common
strategies at the European scale.
Zalea TV is a member of the Audiovisual Third Sector. It is the
non-commercial, alternative audiovisual sector. It is a network that we
have been trying to build
with other organizations for
years. But in Europe we still don't know a lot of existing organizations
or networks. The ESF is an excellent occasion to meet eachother and to
gather in order to
think together at a possible common strategy, beyond all the differences
beetwen us.
In Europe and the world over, at a time of rampant manipulation of
public opinion and restriction of basic individual
rights, we have to work together and build a strong activists network.
In order to help with the organisation of this event, please send me an
e-mail to tell me if you are likely to take part. Thanks ! ( Write to

Please spread this e-mail through your own network, so that we can
for this meeting the largest number possible of structures producing or
broadcasting non-comercial, alternative and independant audiovisual
programs. Thanks again !