Unlike the citizens of "1984," Americans and Brits have no excuse at present for continuing to allow Bush and Blair to perpetuate their jointly engineered deception of the public. We have access to history as it has actually unfolded and thus We KNOW BETTER. Why are these creeps still in office?
As the saying goes, "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me."
Hey Tony - Is Your Ministry of Truth Modeled after the One in '1984'?
EXCERPT from a Theme analysis of "1984"
“History” is another important theme in 1984. In many ways, Orwell’s novel reads like a history book. 1984warns readers that the Oceania universe will be the future, if people fail to learn the lessons revealed by major historical events and figures such as WWI, WWII, Hitler, Stalin, and Mussolini (to cite examples from Western and Eastern Europe). The Party understood the power of history. A citizenry educated to understand history would not allow the Party to survive. Thus, the Party eliminated nearly everyone who remembered the past before Big Brother, created a new, post-Big Brother history, then manipulated history through the Ministry of Truth so much that it was impossible to ever know what was happening or what had really happened." - Theme analysis of '1984' by George Orwell
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Surely there must be a limit to the amounts of time a human can be fooled
31.08.2003 13:17
I cross post the following fromanother thread ..enjoy!
"There never has been a time when the power of America was so necessary; or so misunderstood ...
"Ours are not Western values. They are the universal values of the human spirit and anywhere, any time, ordinary people are given the chance to choose, the choice is the same. Freedom not tyranny. Democracy not dictatorship. The rule of law not the rule of the secret police."
Tony Blair
July 18, 2003
President Blair
Anyone notice
31.08.2003 13:20
It is because he does not want you to know about piggism.
Get it?
empty rhetoric.
01.09.2003 16:14
Tony Blairs' words are the usual empty rhetoric of politicians everywhere.If he
really meant them,he'd be opposing the US hegemony along with the rest of us anti-cap'
It's that so many still get fooled by this crap in the first place that may yet
tip us fully into Orwells nightmare.
stupid ameri-kuhns
01.09.2003 20:27
The utterly ridiculous beleif that one stupid asshole who has his strings pulled by others
will make it "all alright"
duuuh dooh daddy I think we need some prozac
why does the human race
have such a talent for being so
categorically dumb??..........
bollockschop you genius
01.09.2003 21:28
Human race when categorically stupid = Pigs