* Interested in taking action, but want more info first?
* Part of a group, but could do with improving how you work together?
* Want to learn new techniques for dealing with confrontational situations?
* Like to gain some new practical action skills?
* Done it all before, and keen to share your experience with others?
From 5th-10th Sept at London Docklands the DSEi NVDA Training Collective will be co-ordinating a rolling programme of non-violent direct action training and skill-sharing workshops to prepare for effective and safe action at the DSEi arms fair.
Workshops will cover a wide range of different skills, and catering for all levels of experience. So whether you’re completely new to it or a veteran campaigner, keen to take on a front-line active role or more interested in providing support to other activists, your involvement is valued.
The Training Collective are group of experienced NVDA trainers and activists from a mix of backgrounds and training styles who have come together to provide training for the week of action at DSEi.
5-10th September
Trinity Methodist Centre, 119 East India Dock Road, Poplar, E14 (All Saints DLR).
7th September 12:00-13:30
Convergence Centre, Kingsley Hall ,Powis Road , London E3
Later more training sessions will run in a nearby church hall.
For details Tel: 07796 430 141, E-mail:

More on DSEi Arms Fair:

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