Recently a flurry of psychogeographical flyers have hit London exhorting people to destroy DSEi with 'Sex Majik'
Quote: "Our calculations show that the Fibre Optic Cables running from the City of London to the Docklands, along the A13, can channel the psychic currents we generate in our psychogeographical activities with enough precision to shut down the arms fair on September 11th 2003."
"The technology to colonise, control and ultimately destroy everything not only exists, it is already out-dated! But through a series of carefully controlled orgasms, at the construction sites of new skyscrapers to be built around the East End of London, we will move our forces to the time when London has passed into total ruins so as to channel vital information to and fro, as to what happens between the construction and destruction of London town. Our aim is to symeltaneously divert our destiny away from the nuclear holocaust that is the business of the biggest business in the world: the arms industry, and towards the deconstruction of London by the inevitable fact of PROLETARIAN REVOLUTION"
"Note: The reluctance of A13P to engage in sex at (ancient) sites when other people are around stems not from moral qualms about exhibitionism - it merely reflects the fact that the occult means hidden. contact us for more info and see "
Defence Systems & Equipment International Exhibition:
Disarm DSEi
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really desire an explanation
14.01.2005 12:11
666 occult?