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Sun newspaper launches most intense campaign ever against refugees

Rockwell | 18.08.2003 12:41 | London

The Sun newspaper today launed the most intense ever campaign against refugees. It will also publish anti-refugee stories everyday for the next week in a week long campaign of whipping up hatred and racism against asylum seekers.

The Sun newspaper is also the most right week tabloid in Britain. Its headquarters are at 1 Virginina street, Wapping, London E1. It is time that this right wing racist rag was targetted with a massive picket to stop them pumping out thier right wing racist filth and hate! Smash the Sun! Smash the racist nazi scum!!!



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Hang on...

18.08.2003 14:20

Have you considered that your actions might actually contribute to the objectives behind the Sun's campaign? Maybe it would be better to engage, discuss and argue with the Sun's readers - who are all over the place - in order to make your point. Admittedly, it is not as much fun for you, but it may be equally as effective.

Paul Edwards

be more imaginative

18.08.2003 16:18

Quote: "Smash the Sun! Smash the racist nazi scum!!!"

why not go down to their local pub and harass the journalists with relentless polite questions? You might even wear a suit and carry a tape recorder, or a video camera.

Standing ranting puts you in a very-easy-to-dismiss position and reinforces these fools' sterotypes of those who disagree with them.

get creative or lose the argument.


mike power

ho ho ho - paul

18.08.2003 17:03

discuss the arguments with the sun readers!?!

Yeah - and after, I promise to clean all my blood up and take myself to the hospital.

mail e-mail:

don't forget the express

18.08.2003 19:27

I found a copy of the Sun on the seat of a bus today and felt compelled to rip it to shreds after reading a couple of pages of the nazi jingoistic bullshit. Rebecca Wade seems even worse than Yelland. The Daily Express is also running a similar hate-drenched campaign and also need considering actions against. I think a mixture of all the approaches suggested may work.

some emails addresses...

maybe guess others...


I saw the front page of the Sun today...

18.08.2003 20:38

and was absolutely enraged at the hatred that was there. I also flicked though an discarded copy of the Sun on a train last Friday, and on page 19 there was a piece about how "war heroes" (they meant WWII) were being denied Lotto money, but how gays and gypsies were "cashing in". The article about the swan poaching a few weeks back was also disgusting. Time something was done about this hate rag, I think direct action is justifiable in this case, as was mentioned in the previous article, as well as an campaign of education to combat the lies being spread by this and other tabloids like the Express and Mail.

Thomas J

We need topless protesters...

18.08.2003 22:32

I volunteer to stand infront of my local newsagent with my shirt off holding polite debates with all Sun-readers who issue forth ;o)

Seriously though, Minister of Propaganda Murdoch's racist rag is probably the main reason the UK is so politically backwards compared to mainland Europe.

I think a combination of tactics (boycott, protest, direct action and discussion) is the best way to hit back. Variety is the strength of the movement after all.

This weeks homework assignment:

When in a news agent browsing the periodicals, wait till the shop-keeper is not looking, pick up an armful of your favorite papers and dump them on top of the Sun and its ilk. If one Sun-reader-in-a-rush can't find their filthy comic then it is a job well done.

Extra bonus marks:

You could also stick stickers to a few page 3 girls whilst pretending to read it. Or slip a political tract or two in there. Just remember to gear your propaganda to the depraved Sun-reader's mind ;o)

Have fun people,
Dan T.


Boycott their Advertisers!

19.08.2003 00:00

Hit the nazi jackels in their wallets! Find out who their advertisers are and boycott their sorry lot! Teach them the economic consequenses of spreading nazi hate bilge!


Political backwardness over there too

19.08.2003 09:25

I would take issue with Dannyboy's idea that the UK is politically backward compared to mainland Europe. The BNP is only just starting to get a foothold here - similar parties on the Continent are well-established and have been so for years, if not decades. Racism and xenophobia are common here and are likely to get worse but these attitudes are also common abroad, as I noticed when I spent the first five months of this year in mainland Europe. Moreover, they too have right-wing press barons stirring it up.
Much of Europe dissented from the US/UK war drive against Iraq but even that is not evidence that they are more politically advanced than the UK. These countries simply do not have the "special relationship" with the US which often seems to make UK foreign policy about as dependent on the Americans as Kuwait is.
My view is that racism and xenophobia are on the march everywhere - in Boulogne and Bremen as much as in Burnley or Birmingham.

The Crimson Repat

Fair enough

19.08.2003 13:07

I suppose my view of European political consciousness comes from the Europeans I have met who are broad-minded enough to leave their own countries and come over here. I have not spent enough time travelling or living on the mainland to have a properly qualified view of the state of things over there.

I should have thought of one word at least before making the claim that we are the only ones who have trouble with media barons making people politically backwards:


That said, it doesn't change the fact that the Sun and its ilk are drumming up reactionary, right-wing hate with nearly every "article". They need to be stopped.

Dan T.



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