You may well by now be aware of the plight of the Saloniki
prisoners. You will find information below as to the circumstances
surrounding their incarceration.
As part of the call by comrades in Greece, friends and supporters in
the UK will be taking part in the International Day of Action in
solidarity with the prisoners.
Following a public meeting earlier this week, it was decided that we
would hold an event in London on THURSDAY 10TH JULY 2003 to send our
message of international solidarity.
There will be a meeting to discuss the event and what we can all do
to make it a success this SUNDAY 6TH JULY at 3PM. We urge you to try
to attend this so that we can focus on making the maximum impact on
the day. Bring your ideas, enthusiasm and, of course, your friends!
The meeting will take place at London Action Resource Centre, 62
Fieldgate Street, London E1.
If you cannot attend the meeting or live outside London, why not
organise your own event. Please let us know if you do, so that we
can help to publicise it.
We are not a formal group, but a network of resistance, brought
together by the principle that an attack on one is an attack on all.
We also recognize the fact that the prisoners are inside for us. So
it falls to all of us to be outside for them.
We do not have any resources, and we desperately require the input,
ideas and creative energy of all who read this and agree with the
above sentiments to show their support by coming together to shape
the day. Please forward this message to those who might like to
Thessaloniki Prisoners Solidarity
They were part of a large international demonstration in
Thessaloniki, Greece which had gathered to counter the EU summit,
whose leaders met to draw up the latest infringements over and
attacks upon the free movement of people through the EU's fortress
While many demonstrators were indiscriminately arrested over the
course of the weekend, 8 demonstrators were singled out for
additional brutality: attacked, beaten, threatened and
having "evidence" planted on them.
The result was that all were refused bail and now languish in a
maximum security prison, awaiting appeal against both their bail
refusal and the charges. They number 3 Greeks, 1 Syrian, 2
Spaniards, 1 American (who faces incarceration before a delayed
deportation) and UK activist, Simon Chapman.
Three charges have been made against them: Riot, Resisting Authority
and Possession of Explosives. This carries a sentence of between 7-
25 years if found guilty.
The "evidence" presented by the Police to justify this is
outrageous. For example, they claim that Simon carried a BLACK bag
full of weaponry including a hammer, a pick axe and Molotov
Cocktails on the demonstration.
Yet we have images - taken while Simon was being attacked by Police -
which prove that he was, instead, wearing a BLUE AND PURPLE bag.
The Police actually deny the existence of his own bag, which
mysteriously disappeared while Simon was being beaten by the cops.
It has not been recovered.
Furthermore, while Simon was nursing his head injuries, Greek TV
unwittingly filmed the cops collecting weapons and placing them
inside this "new" BLACK bag further up the street. They introduced
this new bag, placing it by Simon, beating him until he accepted it.
The footage is now available to be viewed for viewing at
We will be making this footage available on CD or on VHS video.
Stills photos of Simon wearing his own bag are available. Email us
if would like copies, specifying which format.
Donations to support the prisoners can be sent to BM Automatic,
London WC1N 3XX, UK. If sending cheques, please make them payable
to "ABC".