Venue: 103 Eaton Square, SW1 near Sloane Square, LONDON
Tube : Sloane Square (Circle line) 7 min walk
" Between 1898 and 1908, in search of rubber, the Belgian rulers massacred 10 million Africans in Congo by chopping hands, ears and sex organs of those who failed to submit to their rule.
" Today, in search of Coltan mineral, used to make mobile phones, computers, spacecrafts and other raw materials, the US led Western imperialism, with Congolese rebel bandits, Kagame and Museveni regimes have imposed a genocide war on the people of Congo.
" The French led UN troops in Bunia (Eastern Congo) are just another face of occupation.
Holocaust in Congo
4 Million killed
Join the movement for peace and social justice
" End the occupation, looting and murder
" by Rwanda & Uganda terrorist armies
" Power to the workers and poor peasants of Congo
African Liberation Support Campaign (ALISC): 07890 738 997

International People's Democratic UHURU Movement (InPDUM): 020 8265 1731/07833 537 193