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Leeds Bradford Free Spaces Newswire Archive

Leeds City Council to go ahead with PFI in Little London

18-05-2006 17:17

After 6 years of sham consultations, ignored ballots, misinformation, broken promises and contemptful neglect, Leeds City Council has finally unveiled the worst kept secret since Maradona's 1986 handball.


The people vs Leeds City Council this Wednesday

15-05-2006 18:19

Two separate campaigns fighting the Council's undemocratic and ill-thought plans for Little London and Woodhouse will unite on Wednesday in an unprecedented show of strength.


Leeds tenants say 'hands off our homes'

15-05-2006 14:04

At 12.30pm this Wednesday, (17 May), residents of Little London will gather outside Leeds Civic Hall to demand the Council immediately suspends its privatisation plans for their estate.


Little London anti-PFI campaign - public meeting 10 May

08-05-2006 20:30

Tenants and anti-privatisation campaigners are joining forces this Wednesday (10 May) in a city-wide public meeting to oppose Leeds City Council's proposed 'Comprehensive Regeneration' of Little London estate and its wider decimation of council housing through the Private Finance Initiative (PFI).


Protesters want moor car park plan inquiry

08-05-2006 19:12

Today's Yokshire Evening Post has a story about Leeds City Council's latest 'con-sultation' fraud - this time on the totally bonkers idea of building a car park on Woodhouse Moor using a 'Parks Renaissance fund'.

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Kicking and Screaming Autonomous Art Show

02-05-2006 12:16

Kicking and screaming from the streets of Leeds into
the forgotten cracks.. discoveries, journeys,
expression, finding and being found...

An exhibition of found, discovered and expressive
art-forms that will be discovered in a found location.
Taking back space from a shinking 'developing'
gentrified city... an exploration and reclaimation of
ourselves, our skills, our city, our art.


Chaos Mass: Mayday weekend in Manchester starts with bike ride

29-04-2006 10:09

Mayday celebrations in Manchester began yesterday (Friday) with a Critical Mass. Numbers of cyclists had almost doubled from previous months.


Who Really Runs Leeds? Event

01-04-2006 20:56

A half day workshop for those interested in being part of a collaborative research project. Organised by the Urban Cultures and Consumption Research Group, School of Geography, University of Leeds, with The Common Place Social Centre.



20-03-2006 17:24

On the 31st of March, the support group for the prisoners from the 4th of February (the 3 south american squatters arrested, beaten, and now being charged with the attempted murder of a copper here in barcelona) are asking everyone who can to pay a visit to your friendly local spanish embassy or consolate....

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Indymedia needs YOU

17-03-2006 15:50

The global indymedia network is the work of hundreds of volunteers on many different levels, from the people who read the articles are speak to other people about what they read, the reporters who post their photos, video or first hand accounts, to the admins who check posts for breech of open posting guidelines, and the techies maintain the servers and develop the software....

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Pie Night at Clergy House Squat Bradford

17-03-2006 14:52

Vegan pie night benefit to raise cash for bradford and spanish squatters.


Little London PFI scandal - how Leeds City Council blackmailed a community

10-03-2006 20:47

Parts of Little London will now be sold off under the PFI scheme
Leeds City Council's announcement yesterday that nearly two-thirds of tenants have backed their proposed £35m PFI regeneration scheme in Little London is both expected and misleading. Here is the full story of how it happened.

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Little London PFI Consultation Results Announced

10-03-2006 17:37

After months of so-called "consultation events", Leeds City Council has taken the somewhat surprising step of releasing the results as if they were a "ballot" of Little London tenants. As expected, they have managed to con enough people to support their gentrification plans.

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Little London update: will an independent stand in May's council elections?

08-03-2006 18:39

For the past five years, the residents of Little London estate in Leeds have been treated appallingly by Leeds City Council. Local councillors ate failing their electors by all supporting the attempted PFI-gentrification scheme for the area. Time for a change?

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'We fight on, we will win' say Little London residents in Leeds

06-03-2006 15:42

Video Campaigners are using an empty bookies window as an infopoint
Two weeks after the Council's much-criticised consultation of Little London council estate in Leeds about a proposed £85m PFI regeneration scheme of their area, residents gathered yesterday to discuss how to step up the campaign to save their homes and community from gentrification.

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Leeds City Council suppresses report into PFI consultation

06-03-2006 15:29

Anger amongst residents as an independent report into how they have been consulted over planned demolition of parts of Little London estate is suppressed.

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new and improved base

02-03-2006 21:35

good news? new squat in bradford. we have managed to convince the dean of bradford cathedral to let us squat in one of his old buildings so next teusday the accustic nights formaly held at the shearbridge will now be held in our new function room


An evening of Anti Corporate Urban Pranking at the Common Place…Sun 26th Feb 200

16-02-2006 18:19

An evening of Anti Corporate Urban Pranking at the Common Place…


Save Little London from gentrification

15-02-2006 09:00

The Comprehensive Regeneration Option being bludgeoned into the tenants of Little London marks a shift in gear as the Leeds City Council continues its gentrification of the areas closest to the City Centre.


Queer BarberShop and Shoeshine

14-02-2006 17:49

Queer barbers and shoeshine boys,

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