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Leeds Bradford Anti-militarism Newswire Archive

Caterkiller Peterlee (Co. Durham) Blockaded

12-04-2005 20:02

The blockade in progress..
On 12th April 2005, activists from across the North East carried out a blockade of Caterpillar's Peterlee site in protest at their supplying of bulldozers to Israel, used in house demolitions which have made 50 000 homeless since 1967, and killed dozens.

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Anni Rainbow and Lindis Percy at Harrogate Magistrates' Court

08-04-2005 08:51

Thursday 7 April 2005 - Day 1 - Harrogate Magistrates' Court

Anni Rainbow and Lindis Percy were in court today for a hearing that had been set aside for a pre-trial review.

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Peace campaigner Lindis Percy arrested again

05-04-2005 23:23

MOD police anxious to tell people how to "stay safe"
Report from the weekly vigil held at USAF Menwith Hill, North Yorkshire, April 5th 2005.

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16-03-2005 02:21

we are everywhere...
A letter to G8-summit representatives, asking for them to go home.

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London, March 19

15-03-2005 00:40

On March 19th and 20th 2005, people across the world will march to commemorate Operation Shock & Awe: the launch of the invasion of Iraq two years ago, and to oppose the ongoing occupations of Iraq, Palestine, Afghanistan and Haiti. People will be marching to oppose the ongoing genocide of indigenous peoples throughout the Americas & Asia, the normalization of torture camps, as well as the massive displacement of peoples by capitalist development projects, including the demand for cheap and flexible labor and its corollary: the criminalization of migrants and the construction of Fortress North America and Fortress Europe.

We can and must go further than simply demonstrating against war and occupation. We must actively work in co-ordinated solidarity to stop the many institutions and individuals that profit from war and occupation. As global capital undermines progressive peoples' movements around the world, we assert that we can build global movements of opposition to our common enemies. In the fissures of the empire, we can pursue projects and strategies of resistance that affirm life and human dignity.

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12-03-2005 16:50

HALABJA: The Martyred City

Nemat Sharif
March 2003

Off Hiroshima
The Smoke ascended
And the earth quacked
Homes smashed and domes cracked
Temperature rose into thousands
Cadavers scattered
Humans burned, things blackened

It was said:
Radiation causes cancer …
But in years, from the rubbles
Will rise a healthy Japanese
Who will hoist the flag!

* * *

On Halabja
A colorful smoke descended
Dazzling the eyes
Dazing the mind
And slowly
It seeped inside
A tormenting curse, it descending
On all living beings …
On animals,
On plants,
On humans …

* * *

Spring was breezy fresh
When on Halabja
The smoke descended
The earth didn't quake
Domes didn't crack,
And homes didn't smash
Temperature didn't rise
And flesh didn't fly
But by the thousands
Corpses scattered
--Some bleeding here,
--Others frozen there.

"What is it?" the world asked
"Surprised!", a Kurd replied:
"Hitler is born again."

* * *

Hitler is calling for revenge
Deep the feelings ran
It was said, again:
It isn't carcinogen
But in years …
In a generation or two
There will be born
A deformed Kurd
Who will bear the signs

On his right, will be
--A sterile plant

And on his left,
-- A wingless bird

In years, in Halabja
There shall rise,
-- A deformed Kurd
-- Who will ring the bell!
-- Who will call to return …

And for Kurdistan,
--He shall hoist a flag.

Of Nagasaki, they told:
Of fire, and destruction
A long history, and a little
Of mercy and care, they said.

Of Hiroshima, they said:
The fear of defeat,
The drive to win,
And of Halabja, they said:
Revenge ….
May be revenge!

* * *

Of the Kurds, he said:
"People without land" and it is
"Our exact calculations …
Did we err when we set
To change the balance of power
In the north"
And solve the equation of reality

A land without people,
A land infertile
A land scorched
A land saturated with toxins
Where life is bleak
And plants unlike plants
A land driven insane
With mustard, with Sarin
With nerve gas!

* * *

He said it years ago:
"A land without people
Or people without land?"

But history proclaimed:
He has lied
His equation isn't true!!
One day, from the ashes and gas
A deformed Kurd shall rise
He will spit on the world
Form a burnt lung
A spit half chemicals
And the other half is blood

He shall write
On his scorched land
Kurdistan shall be
Kurdistan will live
Kurdistan is My Home
Kurdistan is My Home …


Bush calls for a $42 million operations and technology center @Menwith Hill

02-03-2005 05:46

Bush calls for a $42 million operations and technology center @Menwith Hill
STUTTGART, Germany — President Bush is asking for $430.3 million in military construction funds for Europe in 2006, mostly for housing and other projects at U.S. bases expected to be around for years.

Much like the 2005 construction budget, the largest amounts of funding are slated for Army facilities in Grafenwöhr, Germany, and air bases in Ramstein, Germany, and Lakenheath, England. A $42 million operations and technology center at the National Security Agency at Menwith Hill, England, has also been requested.

European edition, Friday, February 11, 2005

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Menwith Hill – the spies in our midst: the vigil, the intimidation...

15-02-2005 23:52

The watchers are watched
Every Tuesday evening a vigil is held outside USA spy base NSA Menwith Hill near Harrogate in North Yorkshire.

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AntiWar Demonstration outside the JB Priestly Library at Bradford University!

13-02-2005 21:54

12 - 2pm outside the J.B.Priestly Library.
Rain or Shine, Wednesday, 16 February, 2005.

Come along and see what's going on ;-)

Be the change you want to see. Be the change you want to see. Be the change you want to see.

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York protests at attack on Fallujah

08-11-2004 21:58

A mother mourns
To raise awareness of the present situation in Fallujah, members of York Against the War organised a demonstration in Parliament Street on Monday evening, to coincide with the coalition forces' long-planned assault on the city.


Police brutally arrest 2 peaceful anti-war protesters in the centre of leeds

30-10-2004 16:27

In a peaceful anti-war protest in the town centre of leeds 2 activists were brutally arrested by police on section 5 of the public order act. The Leeds Revolution staged a sponge throwing at an impersonation of George Bush on the eve of the US election. This started at about 1pm until 2:30pm where the police arrived and forcefully broke up the demonstration by arresting 2 activists.


Alternative US elections around the world

28-10-2004 15:46

Also non-US citizins can vote: with alternative elections around the world we want to promote the Boycot Bush Campaign.


Peace campaigner arrested in heavy handed policing at Menwith Hill

02-10-2004 18:44

Lindis talking to the gathering before her arrest
Lindis Percy, veteran campaigner from the Campaign for the Accountability of American Bases (CAAB) was arrested today while taking part in a demonstration at NSA/USAF Menwith Hill in North Yorkshire.

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Blair Has Lost His Grip, In the end we’ll give in to terrorists, so why not now

02-10-2004 18:29

Two salient facts define the national political predicament this autumn. The first is a growing sense of disquiet about Tony Blair. Experts often speak of the lack of ‘trust’ which shows up in opinion polls. But there is more to it than that. People are beginning to sense that there is something rum about this Prime Minister, and that he is no longer quite 16 annas to the rupee.

Paul Robinson says the Tories are so frightened of challenging Blair on the war that their favourite think-tank will not tolerate dissent.


At the time of writing, the hostage Ken Bigley, so far as we know, lives. While he endures his ordeal, the Prime Minister and the Foreign Secretary said that they could not negotiate with his tormentors. That would be to ‘give in to terrorism’. Those — who must include Mr Blair and Mr Straw, as well as the rest of us — who want so much for Mr Bigley to live must rely on intermediaries such as the two eloquent Muslims from Britain who have gone to Iraq to do what they can.

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Spot Light on Menwith Hill

28-09-2004 12:13

Following the demonstration organised by Yorkshire and national CND on Saturday at Fylingdales, campaigners will gather at the American base at Menwith Hill near Harrogate, this Saturday (2 October 2004 - 12 md - 4pm) to protest at the role this base is preparing to play in the American Missile Defense system ("Star Wars").


Crucial No Star Wars Fylingdales demo this Saturday, with Thom Yorke

23-09-2004 16:52

Crucial demonstration at Fylingdales Star Wars base this Saturday. Bush plans to announce the start of Star Wars within weeks. Join the demo, help mark the start of Keep Space for Peace Week and raise your voice againgst Star Wars. With speakers including Thom Yorke and CND Chair Kate Hudson, entertainment and a peace march to the radar. All support needed!


Blair to be impeached (Guardian)

26-08-2004 11:14

Blair to be impeached (GUardian)

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06-07-2004 12:02

A few more pictures of the Independence from America Day protest at Menwith Hill.

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Independence from America

04-07-2004 22:51

Independence from America declared on July 4th

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Report of anti-occupation demonstration in Edinburgh on June 30th.

03-07-2004 16:50

March in Princes Street, Edinburgh's main thoroughfare.
This is a 2,000 word report of the June 30th anti-occupation of Iraq demo which was held in Edinburgh.