!!!!!!!some of the pictures are too distressing to upload here !!!!!!
Many Western countries and their regional allies, including Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, voiced their support for the less-radical anti-Assad forces. But the reality on the ground is that Al-Qaeda-linked jihadists, including Al-Nusra Front, are dominating the rebels.
The Suriya al-Ain news portal claims that the terrorists are executing Kurdish prisoners as "revenge on the Kurds, for defeats inflicted on them." One week ago, al-Nusra militants attacked two Syrian towns, taking around 200 civilians hostage. It was reported that all of those abducted came from the families of soldiers of the Kurdish Brigades who were previously part of the opposition Free Syrian Army, but later defected to the Kurdish Self-Defense forces.
On numerous occasions, Western politicians have emphasized that they do not want extremists running rampant across the Middle East and gaining access to foreign arms supplies as they did in Libya and other recent conflicts. However, this is what is happening in Syria, Colin Cavell, a political science academic at Bluefield State College in West Virginia, told RT.
"Right now most of the American people are very unclear about exactly what is going on. Our media kind of keeps it down low on one end, and on the other end it says we are supporting moderate democratic opposition, which is hilarious to anybody who is following this. We are supporting Al-Qaeda-linked Jihadists, who are massacring people," he stated.
Despite calls by the West to arm Syrian rebels in their fight against Assad's government, there is still no accurate way of distinguishing non-radicalized opposition forces from Islamist militants determined to create their own sovereign state in the Middle East.

God bless Oil thirsty allied of USA-Turkey, S.Arabia
and that God would justify Islamisc Terrorist groups for slaughtering children and women whom couldn't join the Kurish Army YPG .