Our paint bomb attack, which was launched at 2.00am this morning against the Moot Hall on Daventry's Market Square, has a multifold effect against the State and Corporate Capitalism in all its most vile forms.
Firstly, it strikes a crippling blow against the global patriarchal industrial complex, as this building was once a womens prison. The fact that this was over 100 years ago in no way lessons the pain faced by our revolutionary sisters in the here and now of the 21st Century. By daubing this most hated edifice with vivid purple paint, purple for womens liberation, we give a clear signal of our solidarity and immense love for all oppressed women in the world, today, yesterday, tomorrow, always and forever.
Our purple paint bomb is also a symbol of our inherent rage against shit consumerism, fast food and the zombification of culture represented by the restaurant and shopping village the Moot Hall has since become.
Through our selfless action we are simultaneously expressing our love of the individual, free, proud and fiercely rebellious that exists within all of us who have chosen to lose our fear, shake off our chains and refuse to kow-tow to the slavery of the spectacle in all its manifest horror.
We care nothing about the hated civil anarchists who will no doubt show there cowardice and side with jackboot capitalism in once again denouncing this heroic action by those who are prepared to sacrifice everything for the Revolution.
This is why we fight. For we are the soul of revolution, striking terror into the complacent dreams of bourgeois pigs everywhere. Make no mistake, our beating hearts every second grow louder, beating harder as we live and breathe to a different rhythm that lies immanent within our struggle for freedom.
Hide the following 9 comments
Excellent stuff.
28.05.2012 14:44
IFA fan
FAI-COP Brigade you mean!
28.05.2012 15:06
These ridiculous 'actions' if indeed they happen (never a link to a local corporate press report) are totally bizarre.
Final evidence that it is a state cop squad- the daily telegraph is reporting them- get ready for attacks on squats and free spaces in the run up to the corporate olympics.
totally agree
28.05.2012 15:58
Be warned everyone with the olympics coming we will see a lot more of this.
28.05.2012 16:02
I don't quite get why it was a "crippling blow against the global patriarchal industrial complex" but maybe that's just language!
Fantasists and vanguardists
28.05.2012 16:19
1) vanguardist - seeing themselves as the unappointed leadership of 'the struggle', however they might perceive that struggle
2) substitutionists - substituting themselves (either as individuals or grouplets) for the working class, the oppressed, etc.
3) unaccountable - delegated by no one and acting on no mandate other than their own fucked up fantasies
Also, despite their insurrectionary language, the FAI/IRF are absolutely not insurrectionists. This is because an insurrection requires a mass popular movement ready to take up arms against the state. As there is no such movement, we're back to small group vanguardism, substitutionism and unaccountability again.
Anarchists, on the other hand, are concerned with building a mass revolutionary movement which includes working class organisations, controlled from below by means of an accountable system of mandated delegates.
Anarchists also advocate direct action which entails working class people acting for themselves, as opposed to indirect action which entails letting others do things for us (e.g. voting for politicians, the Labour Party, full time trade union bureaucrats, so called guerrilla groups like the FAI/IRF).
With all these FAI-IRF clones, it's everybody else's job to be passive spectators just watching these so called heroes do it all for us, and in this way, they could also be small time contenders for future ruling cliques, if they were to ever get anywhere (thankfully, they've no fucking chance).
There's an irony here though. This fake FAI have misused the initials of the Italian and Iberian Anarchist Federations (both FAIs for many decades), possibly maliciously. They carry out 'actions' that are accountable to no one. I do not know whether this and other communiques are genuine. To me they sound utterly bizarre, but you never know with these urban 'guerrilla' types, as their 'truth' is usually far stranger than any work of fiction. But if these latest reports are fake, then there's a little justice in that, seeing these FAI-IRF wankers get their name misused in the same way they have misused others, and just as they have misused the term 'anarchist'.
Personally, I couldn't tell the real from the fake as they're all equally wacky.
King Pleb
Parody A Go Go
28.05.2012 16:23
Automatic Insurrectionary Text Generator
28.05.2012 16:28
I tried Insurrectionary Anarchism once but the hours were terrible. Too many late nights and all that report writing afterwards. Did my head in!
General Malazy
Anarchism -
28.05.2012 16:35
@ ahahahaaahah
28.05.2012 16:40
King Pleb