Finland – 'The right to vote – Trust in Law' states Finnish Parliament web page []. And so have Finnish Citizen vote and trusted the Law. With results we all are now able to judge.
Media has recently openly wrote several articles about Members of Parliament being drunk in plenary sessions of Parliament. For instance on last 20th of last December, a member of Parliament from National Coalition Party were drunk during a plenary session while he had his speech []. In fact this incidence was ever recorded for later inspections []. Not so long ago, in fact only few days ago on March 2nd, Parlliament Member from The Finns [] were caught from local Hell's Engels HQ for picking up his suitcase after having forgot it there on his way to work. This MP had been visiting Hells Angels HQ after bar hours from previous evening. This time The Finns MP presented his suitcase content in media verbally 'yellow-brown pants – yellow in front and brown from back'. At the same time speculations were done on MP possibly having purchased sex sex from someone at Hell Angels HQ. So, 'what about is say other Members of Parliament' and state 'there is no law prohibiting this'. We may say Finlandation has taken a leading step to Russia.
Second interesting observation is that The Cancellor of Justice and its office, working closely to Parliament, does no longer make a difference to stealing or private owning. But I suppose natural development has taken place towards parliament members statements.
Finnish Businessmen on the other other hand are worried about the youngsters as they can not understand the meaning on time in working life []. 'Youngsters can not understand watch [i.e. time] or how to answer into the telephone. In fact they may do not understand one should work five days per week from Monday to Friday' said Samuli Suonpää.
While taking part into a meeting a year ago I listened a Corporate CEO's speech claiming that young people are not able to wake up into work and they are not able to understand if they should be somewhere at seven it means seven and not eight or ten a clock. There has been even a case were young woman could not believe she is not allowed to update her FB pages during working hours.
Transport Workers’ Union AKT has been to sugar at the bottom of a cup. Weeks debate has been illegal firing of unions Hear of Communications Hilkka Ahde, wo had to go at any price. By doing so has Finland proved to be a true Legal State standing with its Legal Reps.