by Fidel Castro Ruz
Global Research, March 4, 2011
In contrast with what is happening in Egypt and Tunisia, Libya occupies the first spot on the Human Development Index for Africa and it has the highest life expectancy on the continent. Education and health receive special attention from the State. The cultural level of its population is without a doubt the highest. Its problems are of a different sort. The population wasn’t lacking food and essential social services. The country needed an abundant foreign labour force to carry out ambitious plans for production and social development.
For that reason, it provided jobs for hundreds of thousands of workers from Egypt, Tunisia, China and other countries. It had enormous incomes and reserves in convertible currencies deposited in the banks of the wealthy countries from which they acquired consumer goods and even sophisticated weapons that were supplied exactly by the same countries that today want to invade it in the name of human rights.
The colossal campaign of lies, unleashed by the mass media, resulted in great confusion in world public opinion. Some time will go by before we can reconstruct what has really happened in Libya, and we can separate the true facts from the false ones that have been spread.
Serious and prestigious broadcasting companies such as Telesur, saw themselves with the obligation to send reporters and cameramen to the activities of one group and those on the opposing side, so that they could inform about what was really happening…

by David Rothscum
Global Research, March 2, 2011
How was Libya doing under the rule of Gadaffi? How bad did the people have it? Were they oppressed as we now commonly accept as fact? Let us look at the facts for a moment.
Before the chaos erupted, Libya had a lower incarceration rate than the Czech republic. It ranked 61st. Libya had the lowest infant mortality rate of all of Africa. Libya had the highest life expectancy of all of Africa. Less than 5% of the population was undernourished. In response to the rising food prices around the world, the government of Libya abolished ALL taxes on food.
People in Libya were rich. Libya had the highest gross domestic product (GDP) at purchasing power parity (PPP) per capita of all of Africa. The government took care to ensure that everyone in the country shared in the wealth. Libya had the highest Human Development Index of any country on the continent. The wealth was distributed equally. In Libya, a lower percentage of people lived below the poverty line than in the Netherlands.
How does Libya get so rich? The answer is oil. The country has a lot of oil, and does not allow foreign corporations to steal the resources while the population starves, unlike countries like Nigeria, a country that is basically run by Shell…
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An interesting fact...
06.03.2011 11:55
The scumbag's gloating reply that sales had seen a recent surge was suppressed in the spirit of no platform, but it does indicate that the commenter was him, and my first reaction when reading this article was surprise because I thought Harrington had written the comment himself rather than lifting it from someone else, (and posted it uncredited), but then what else would you expect from such a vile person?!! Obviously I'm not saying that the author of this post has anything to do with Harrington or the far right, aside from the fact that Harrington's a rabid supporter of Gadaffi, but it is an interesting fact.
I also encourage everyone to read the article, (which is a republication from Searchlight expose at the time), because I personally found it VERY surprising that the nazis from the National Front would go begging a non-white dictator for money...but it seems Gadaffi was funding anyone and anything that undermined the political stability of the UK, so, being the opportunists that they are, Griffin and Harrington were straight in there with the begging bowl. However, it seems Gadaffi saw them for what they were and only gave them a few thousand copies of his book, (copies of which Harrington is still selling on eBay to this day)!
Bizarre coincidence
Missing the point.
06.03.2011 11:59
Gaddafi is a dictator and kleptocrat, and his people wish to be rid of him. Unlike our friend Handjob, who lives in a democracy (however imperfect), the only way of being rid of him is by revolting. So Gaddafi turns his air force loose, and bombs and strafes his own citizens. And to think that Handjob has the temerity to support such a man ...
apologist for dictators
Missing the imperialist point
06.03.2011 12:30
What kind of dictator appoints to his army generals who then resigns when, apparently, called on to kill rebellious people?
Saddam Hussein was a real brutal dictator. If you had told him that an oil rich part of his country would be taken over by people armed with revolutionary chants, flags and frying pans he would have spent the next half hour on the floor laughing alongside his bodyguards and assistants.
Just to spell it out you: PEOPLE IN IRAQ WOULDN’T HAVE TRIED IT BECAUSE THEY KNOW WHAT WOULD HAPPEN TO THEM. They knew they lived under a brutal dictator.
But, no doubt, ordinary Libyans took on Gaddaffi’s heavy artillery, tanks, planes and brutal soldiers at Brega believing they would not be slaughtered. And we are told, they won. They retook the town with only 6 dead. Clearly, this was because they had Borg technology. After the six were killed, the rest adapted and artillery shells just bounced off them.
Whereas, Gaddaffi fits his planes out with some kind of cloaking device. Because when the Russians used their satellites to identify these planes who were bombing Libyan citizens, they spotted nothing.
You might believe in science fantasy but I do not.
I'm an aplogist for incompetent dictators. You're an apologist for imperialism.
Libya, which lies, yours ?
06.03.2011 12:32
Your contribution is called "Lies about Libya", but you fail to supply any documented lie. But instead you are giving a link to an article from David Rothscum, which itself is to be considered a shameless attempt to paint black a popular uprise in the trail of the revolts in the whole Arabic world and China, as an CIA conspiracy.
Beno Klee