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Human Experimentations in Europe by CIA

Avsec Bostjan | 03.11.2010 07:29 | Repression | Terror War | Workers' Movements | Birmingham | World

Prior to May 22th, 2010 I was denied the right to employment(Norway over 700 jobs...Sweden over 400 jobs...Austria over 700 jobs), I was denied the right to file for asylum in Norway, Belgium, Germany...welcome to Europe or Jewmerica where situation is worse than it was in USSR(prior to that over 22000 jobs denied when applying in USA or over 5 years continues unemployment, mental/physical on job torture performed by minorities with whom I was compelled to work, assassination attempts and jobs which paid the most $10 and hour with total year and half insurance during 13 years stay in USA, hundreds of pre employment psychological evaluations which were successfully passed but were used to bully only as no jobs were ever granted afterwords) !!! Just see videos and contact for questions... I, unlike other victims, have written in mean while two books and recorded videos as you will see once on my website...INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT, EUROPEAN COURT FOR HUMAN RIGHTS, UNITED NATIONS AND AMNESTY AS WELL AS EURO OMBUDSMAN AND OTHER HUMAN RIGHTS ORGANIZATIONS...AGENCIES...ACTIVISTS ETC(HAVE CONTACTED OVER 3000 OF THEM) ARE ALL INVOLVED IN IT...

The real value of life...meaning of life...

Welcome to Karlstad, Sweden TODAY occupied by United States of Jewmerica...and so is Stockholm...Oslo, Bergen..all the same !!

How CIA is hijacking our people…CIA hijacked me personally as an European when in Miami, Florida during 1998...thanks to my own South American wife and from own bed, I was first transported to local Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami, Florida and from there for about month long trip to Psychiatry hospitals in Scandinavia during which In was first tortured/threatened(on operation table with lobotomy procedures etc.)….and secondary experiments were conducted on me. Human used for experimentations. Entire time(24/7 for month or so) was drugged up on wheel chair with cuffed hands…..THIS extraordinary abductions/renditions on whites unwilling to intermix/associate/host for free so called minorities(other races and ethnicities) is/were/are afterwards used to intensify crises in its victims using additional tools…..everything from physical beatings(on job), mental/physical on job tortures performed most often by ex US military officers consisted of so called minorities with which I was forced(compelled) to work with !!!! Over eight years of unemployment which grew first(three years) gradually into continuous five years of forceful unemployment(all together 8 years)...torture to extreme as far as even developing cancer on one of the testicles as not allowed to even use restroom as needed at work(when working for Florida State Mental Care Hospital(also forced to obtain job there as thousands of jobs or every company in Miami turned down applications and it was used as well to build bore crises on top of abduction as mentioned…just prior to SFETC, I was employed against my will at PHARMACEUTICAL company Schering Plough in Miami Lakes via Wackenhut or year before abduction/rendition) of more than more than 24000 jobs denied just within last 5 years.......highest pay $10 hour with total of year and half health insurance for period almost 15 years in USA, never allowed to work according to level of education or professions as educated for(mechanic and mechanical engineering technician fluent in five languages)...mobbing…stalking…forced to improperly conduct work duties or job designed to permanently leave me with destroyed back injury when compelled to break picture frames with bare hands standing every day for extended periods of time and afterwards forced to drive truck for over 11 hours a day…worked over 140 hours a week on a cruise ship….well educated ended as a truck driver bum forced to stay from home two months at the time and in the end was taken away even right to do that job…any right to claim unemployment ever and after becoming US citizenship was practically thrown out of USA(forced to spend savings of $72000 out of my pcket)….during years 2001/2003 over $40000 stolen from me on New York Stock Market Exchange….the only crime ever committed was being German born in what is today known as "Slovenia" who escaped from there for bare survival from daily beatings performed by communist Slavs at age 23....never smoke, did drugs, or drank alcohol…fit mentally and physically and with mental abilities by far exceeding those of which you encounter every day on banks or administrations…it is what separated me from others or hundreds of successfully completed psychological pre employment tests after which employments were never ever granted(beside about 30000 declined job applications or best proof of communist/humanist violence/brutality against me)…same was with drug and substances tests which have taken place…..were all used as a torture tool primarily, but it ended against them as main reason why governments were unable to claim what they have in numerous other people‘s cases or schizophrenia/paranoia etc. because they kill and kill…kill and kill

The right to file for unemployment not granted(disallowed), not allowed to file asylum as Jewmerican puppet states(Canada, Norway, Germany, Belgium) or obtain job(Norway, Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Sweden etc.) are in complete compliance with one…no rights whatsoever….no family and no reason to live for at age almost 39 while abnormalities(foreigners) are flooding our own countries and wiping us out in a GENOCIDE style and in cooperation with traitors ! As it have happened to me not only can, but will 100% sooner or later take place against each and everyone of you !

When working at SFETC(South Florida Evaluation and Treatment Center) for year and half, numerous whites were incarcerated there for son called hate crimes which we all know were compelled into...secondary, Amnesty International and United Nation representatives(of which some I have met latter in Europe when filling for asylum as those are even based in asylum camps were paying constant visitations to this state hospital and on behalf of European pro Jewmerican puppet states, but not to protect often what were victims of Scandinavian/German origins for which was obvious/anticipated that they will sooner or latter seek refuge in Europe running away from prison state Jewmerica...this human rights activists....Parasite = criminal = pedophile = humanist = communist = terrorists were there to make their escape attempt impossible...same as they have done to me when filling for asylum in Norway, Germany, Belgium, and in Canada....moreover....Euro psychiatrists were/are involved in this crimes or I should say know all about it and on behalf of Euro governments...DISGRACE AND SHAME.....GENOCIDE

If Joseph Stalin killed 50 million whites than Jewmerica have done it four times more using different tools…the worst about it is that machine keeps melting flash…

Video Number 66 My report about what CIA have done against me during 1998 or rendition/abduction in cooperation with humanist/communist Swedish pro Jewmerican government PART

Video Number 67 My report about what CIA have done against me during 1998 or rendition/abduction in cooperation with humanist/communist Swedish pro Jewmerican government

Video Number 68 My report about what CIA have done against me during 1998 or rendition/abduction in cooperation with humanist/communist Swedish pro Jewmerican government

Just 14 days ago, or on October 09th, 2010...This is what have taken place against me in Karlstad , Sweden and was organized against me by Jewmerica and her Euro collaborators....

Video Number 64 CIA organized assault against me in Karlstad, Sweden in cooperation with humanist/communist Swedish pro Jewmerican government

Video Number 65 CIA organized assault against me in Karlstad, Sweden in cooperation with humanist/communist Swedish pro Jewmerican government

Prior to May 22th, 2010 I was denied the right to employment(Norway over 700 jobs...Sweden over 400 jobs...Austria over 700 jobs), I was denied the right to file for asylum in Norway on January 18th, 2010...Belgium just three months prior to that and Germany about the same....Canada the same thing and two months prior to right others then to die or hand myself...welcome to Europe or Jewmerica where situation is worse than it was in USSR !!! Just see videos and contact for questions... I, unlike other victims, have written in mean while two books and recorded videos as you will see once on my website...INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT, EUROPEAN COURT FOR HUMAN RIGHTS, UNITED NATIONS AND AMNESTY AS WELL AS EURO OMBUDSMAN AND OTHER HUMAN RIGHTS ORGANIZATIONS...AGENCIES...ACTIVISTS ETC(HAVE CONTACTED OVER 3000 OF THEM) ARE ALL INVOLVED IN IT...MEDIA IS 100% CONTROLLED AND HERE TO SEE US DEAD ONLY Additional videos which I have created in order to make people aware of what is happening.... Parasite = criminal = pedophile = humanist = communist = terrorist !!


Video Number 48 what 911 was used for or direct post impact on who, how, why

Video Number 49 what 911 was used for or direct post impact on who, how, why

"No bstrd ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bstrd die for his country." By Gen. Patton Everything about spree shootings in schools….gay parades… scandals...mass emigration..911...economy crises…our people dying in foreign wars…..everything explained here

Video Number 8 about 911 and overture in social crises

Video Number 26 the worst of social crises when kids are dyeing

Video Number 41 definition of terror

Video Number 43 the one who made 911, how and why

Video Number 44 the one who made 911, how and why

Video Number 45 the one who made 911, how and why

Video Number 46 what 911 was used for or direct post impact on who, how, why

Video Number 47 what 911 was used for or direct post impact on who, how, why

Video Number 53 The lawless law that exists in Jewmerica when like in my case have happened, anyone can be found guilty of crimes for which they have never committed….I have never smoke, drink, or did drugs(no crime ever), yet was guilty

Avsec Bostjan
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Display the following 4 comments

  1. What the? — What the?
  2. Jewmerica? — Thanks
  3. Just one example — Bin this crap
  4. Ranting racist nutter, please hide — anon
