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Hunt monitor Bryan Griffith found not guilty of manslaughter

friend | 17.03.2010 17:39 | Animal Liberation | Ecology | Birmingham

Today Hunt monitor Bryan Griffith has been found not guilty of manslaughter by gross negligence by a jury at Birmingham crown court.

Bryan Griffith found not guilty
Bryan Griffith found not guilty

On March 9th 2009, Trevor Morse, a hunt supporter died after coming into contact with a propeller blade belonging to a gyrocopter at Long Marston airfield which was being used to monitor possible illegal hunting activity in the area.

Clare Rowson representing the countryside alliance lied to press outside the crown court stating that they had felt harrassed and were trying to find out who the pilot of the gyrocopter was but Charmaine Green (Warwickshire hunt) had already stated in open court that everybody knew who the pilot was.

Trevor Morse also had a copy of Mr Griffith's name and address in his landrover. Ms Rowson must not have been paying attention when these facts were stated in court.

It also transpired that hunt masters and their supporters including Trevor Morse had conspired to hold the gyrocopter when it landed which is a criminal offence. This was accepted by both sides therefore Trevor Morse was killed while committing a criminal act ie lunging forward to hit the passenger in the gyrocopter which resulted in his death.

The gyrocopter had also been shot at four times during the day.

Both Clare Rowson ( and Tim Bonner from the countryside alliance sat on the press bench in court, apparently neither had the right to be sat on the bench.

A more in-depth report to follow.



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One rule for them...

17.03.2010 18:44

"It also transpired that hunt masters and their supporters including Trevor Morse had conspired to hold the gyrocopter when it landed which is a criminal offence. This was accepted by both sides therefore Trevor Morse was killed while committing a criminal act ie lunging forward to hit the passenger in the gyrocopter which resulted in his death."

So what? Does that mean he got what he deserved?



17.03.2010 19:40

No Trevor Morse did not deserve to die, but this was a tragic accident, if he did not lunge forward to hit the passenger he would still be alive. The hunt planned to stop the gyrocopter taking off, it was a criminal conspiracy, if Plane Stupid did this to an aircraft they would be prosecuted in Crown Courtas the list of Trevor Morse's co-conspirators (there was a group listed by joint master Antony Spencer in open court) would be if they were any other group. Apparently this sort of action can result in a 5 year prison sentence
It was not Bryan's fault, he was trying to escape a beating or worse. 4 shots were fired on the gyrocopter prior to it landing to refuel, if one shot had hit the aircraft both pilot and passenger would now be dead

someone who has been in the public galley

Rain In The Hunt: For their own safety and the safety of others!

17.03.2010 19:41

“If there is one outcome from the horrific events of this case it must be that the activity which led
to Trevor Morse’s death is not repeated.” - Simon Hart, Countryside Alliance.

Absolutely, Simon, hunt supporters should avoid attacking people that are monitoring your illegal activity while they are inside active vehicles in future!

No attacking hunt monitors + No illegal hunting = Tragedy Averted.

This is a tragedy for the family involved but it was totally avoidable on the hunts part.

I really hope a tragedy like this doesn't happen again, but there was clearly no wrongdoing on the part of the hunt monitors, only the hunt can be blamed for this unnecessary fatality. These out of control hunts need to be rained in for their own safety and the safety of others.

unnecessary death

To answer an obvious question...

17.03.2010 20:16

> So what? Does that mean he got what he deserved?

If he hadn't taken the action he did, he'd still be alive. His mistake, no-one else was at fault. I just feel sorry for the poor sods who had to see that idiot's brains flying all over the place.


Don't lose your head!

17.03.2010 23:03

I wouldn't support or advise people to hurt anyone intentionally. This was an accident but the world has one less violent thug in it so all's well that ends well.

Rod Munch

Threats from hunters

18.03.2010 00:24

How come the police haven't investigated who shot at the gyrocopter? Oh yeah that's right because they are only bothered with trying to prosecute sabs.

On the Horse and Hounds forum there seems to be threats of violence towards Mr Griffiths with people suggesting he moves house and a "joe_carby" issuing what can only be a threat:

************From Horse and Hounds Forum ***************
Senior Member Join Date: Nov 2005
Posts: 337

the murdering B@$^4&D should have the same done to him


Imagine if sabs said somehing like this!


would it have been the same..

18.03.2010 11:50

if it had been an activist trying to restrain, say, an arms traders car?
Blood lust coming from unexpected quarters in this thread .....


re: would it have been the same..

18.03.2010 12:29

"if it had been an activist trying to restrain, say, an arms traders car?"

er, no, because arms traders are scum and people trying to protect wildlife aren't?

It's like saying if you get mugged and hit the mugger back, you are just as bad as them for doing that. I understand you are making a point regarding moral relativism, but I'm not sure it is useful.


joe_carby's death threat

18.03.2010 13:15

Joe Carby
Joe Carby

this is joe_carby's profile from the Horse and Hound forum:

Seems like he is in Eire

pleasant chap:

Me, Myself, and I
erm well im me i try and live my life 2 the full and i live in a house. there we go! bit of a country boy like spending my time shooting things and huntings things, yes im one of those big nasty ppl that chases those little cute fluffy foxes while riding a horse with a pack of hounds infront oh shit im so cruel oh well. G E T O V E R I T. ive got a great o/h called tessa love her to bits. the best thing that has ever happened to me i love you baby mwah xoxoxoxoxoxoxox

His photo album with lots of pictures of hunt sabs being attacked:


my mistake, joe_carby appears to be from Yorshire

18.03.2010 13:19

sorry, joe_carby seems to be from Yorkshire, Rockwood Harriers.

So within jurisdiction for getting a hefty prison sentence for making death threats.

Silly me, that only applies to anti-hunting people though.


im glad he died...

18.03.2010 15:50

its about time one of theirs died. fuck him, good riddence. i dont give a fuck about those that hunt animals to death. now they understand what its like to lose one of their 'comrades'.
let us not forget those killed by hunters with jeeps and horse hoofs and other 'methods' at their disposal. i distinctly recall a country side alliance woman saying, at the time of the ban 'this is civil war, if you want one you can have one'
fucking bring it on then, you rich, elitist wankers!!

one down, a few more thousand to go..........

PS. if you dont like what ive said, i dont care........

total revolution by any means necessary!!



18.03.2010 19:44

Yeah, I'm with Fran on this. I'm also thinking of poor Bryan Griffiths who will probably carry this horrible event with him for the rest of his life.


Let's have some perspective

19.03.2010 02:40

This incident was a tragedy and it is right that Mr Griffiths has not been charged for something that appears to have been a complete accident. He will have to live with the horrible memory anyway. However, the tone of some posters on here has been extremely disappointing. A man has lost his life and, whatever we think of his enthusiasm for bloodsports, this is an awful thing. My thoughts are with the family and friends of Mr Morse and I'm glad the ordeal of the trial is over for Mr Griffiths. I hope the shots fired at his gyrocopter previously are being investigated.

Human decency

@ human decency

19.03.2010 07:34

A few things;
Bryan Griffiths was charged which is why he spent 3 weeks in Crown Court before a jury. He and his passenger were origionally arrested for murder, he was indeed charged in March 2009. He was then remanded at HMP Hewell for weeks before being released on tagging and very strict bail conditions which forbade him to talk to anyone involved with animal welfare. The tag came off the night before the trial and by then the charge had been dropped to manslaughter by gross negligence.

The hunt conspired to stop the aircraft,. Joint master Antony Spencer even said that they prepared to "interview" the pilot. So If Bryan had not done what he did, he and his passenger would have been harmed, considering someone was taking potshots maybe even killed. The prosecution agreed that the conspiracy was unlawful.

Trevor Morse can be seen on video wlking into the gyrogopter raising his fist to the passenger as he leans forwards to hit him his head engages with the blades (this bit was blacked out but you can hear it).

Mr Emerson and Mr Tipping 2 aviation enthusiasts who had been talking to Bryan felt intimidated and frightened by Trevor Morse. These 2 excellent and totally independent witnesses were told they were not needed by called at 15.30 the day before they were finally brought in to testify. Both heard Bryan warning Trevor Morse about the propeller as did Trevor Morse's freind Julie Sargeant.

Mysteriously Otis Ferry spoke to Trevor Morse only an hour before his death, he turned up at the airfield minutes after Trevor's death. He is well known for being violent so was he in on the plan too? He scarpered pretty quick once Spencer who arrived just after told him he wasn't needed.

People will indeed celebrate this verdict and Trevor's death. I myself am very pleased that a nice, compassionate man can get on with his life but I do think that what happened to Trevor was sad, but he died instantly with a fag in his mouth and doing what he liked doing i.e mashing up antis (or trying to). Remember the names Jill Phipps, Tom Worby, Mike Hill none of their killers were even arrested let alone tried. It is defineately a case over the years that if an animal abuser dies no stone will be left unturned trying to nail someone. If an animal rights activist dies, it is of course their own fault. No wonder people are angry.

The people who are suffering are Trevor Morse's family, I feel sorry for them, maybe now post trial they can grieve properly now.

Public gallery attendee

@ 'fran'

19.03.2010 22:02

You're a bit of an idiot aren't you? Hunting is not a class issue, plenty of ordinary working-class people go hunting. Trevor Morse may have been a thug but he didn't deserve to die. I'm not a hunt supporter either by the way, before your knee starts jerking.



20.03.2010 01:03

Don't care if it's clasws or anything else. Someone who supports hunting ended up getting hurt, and someone who's against it was threatened with problems. It seems that everything was resolved in the end. 1 hunter don, 1 hunt sab back. Nobody can feel happy about the result, but at least its the right one.


What Otis did

20.03.2010 16:44

Otis had to leave the scene immediately as he had just had a court hearing that morning and had several pick axe handles, and other implements, in his car. That would not have looked good would it.

The police were told but failed to investigate.

Not Intimidated
