Clare Rowson representing the countryside alliance lied to press outside the crown court stating that they had felt harrassed and were trying to find out who the pilot of the gyrocopter was but Charmaine Green (Warwickshire hunt) had already stated in open court that everybody knew who the pilot was.
Trevor Morse also had a copy of Mr Griffith's name and address in his landrover. Ms Rowson must not have been paying attention when these facts were stated in court.
It also transpired that hunt masters and their supporters including Trevor Morse had conspired to hold the gyrocopter when it landed which is a criminal offence. This was accepted by both sides therefore Trevor Morse was killed while committing a criminal act ie lunging forward to hit the passenger in the gyrocopter which resulted in his death.
The gyrocopter had also been shot at four times during the day.
Both Clare Rowson (

A more in-depth report to follow.
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